State funeral of Former Prime Minister Abe
On September 27, 2022 (Wednesday), former Prime Minister Abe's state funeral was held at the Nippon Budokan in Chiyoda Ward, but despite the opposition of more than 60% of the public, Prime Minister Kishida's cabinet, which did not listen to it, dictatorially forced it without even making a resolution in the Diet. did.
Many of the foreign media's evaluations expressed a division of public opinion.
More than 15,000 people protested at a rally in front of the National Diet Building, and many students, labor unions, and general citizens participated in the anti-state funeral march from Kanda Awajicho to Kudanshita, and the line reached 200m.
At the Kudanshita intersection, there was a fierce exchange between those in favor of the state funeral and those who opposed it.
Around Kudanshita Subway Station, there was a scene in which people in favor of a state funeral approached those who opposed it, and although there was a moment of turmoil, there was also a scene where the police intervened and blocked the people in favor of the state funeral. rice field.
On the other hand, the line of people who came to lay flowers in memory reached 4 km around 3:00 pm.
Also, on September 24th (Saturday), at a park in Ikebukuro, about 5 kilometers away from the Nippon Budokan, there was a long line of street dwellers waiting for volunteers to distribute lunch boxes. While there are people who are short of food that day, the cost of the state funeral is about 1.66 billion yen, excluding security expenses. Politicians do not know the current situation of the poor.
Those who support Mr. Abe feel the significance of the state funeral, while those who oppose him object to the fact that the state funeral was held without a resolution by the Diet, and to the way tax dollars are used.
Justice in favor, justice in opposition, division of the nation will remain for posterity. I want you to remember once again that “sovereignty belongs to the people”.
<渋谷駅ハチ公口前 2022.9.21>
<新宿駅東口アルタ前 集会・周辺デモ)2022.9.25>
<新宿駅西口小田急百貨店前 2022.9.26>
<千代田区淡路公園集会(学生・労働組合・一般市民) 淡路町→九段下デモ 2022.9.27>
<地下鉄九段下駅周辺 2022.9.27>
前文 国民主権
第9条 戦争の放棄
② 前項の目的を達するため、陸海空軍その他の戦力は、これを保持しない。国の交戦権は、これを認めない。
第14条 法の下の平等
② 華族その他の貴族の制度は、これを認めない。
③ 栄誉、勲章その他の栄典の授与は、いかなる特権も伴はない。栄典の授与は、現にこれを有し、又は将来これを受ける者の一代に限り、その効力を有する。
第25条 基本的人権