Aogashima Island 1990.7.2〜8


東京都青ヶ島村 1990.7.2〜8


















Aogashima-mura, Tokyo is Kojima of a certain circumference 4km on the Pacific of 358km southern than Tokyo. As for the population, as for the child / the number of enrolled students in 194 elementary and junior high schools, I am 19 people the whole island at a compound volcanic island with the caldera.

The means of transportation to the island have one flight, village cargo-passenger boat "Aogashima-maru" (about 2 hours and a half, about 70km) of 12 capacity from Hachijo-jima Island on 1st.

However, the service is controlled in an ocean current is fast in the circumference of blue Island, and there not being the port mooring at a wave being high, besides, and this island of the cliff by a ship by weather, and there is little capacity again; it is difficult that can arrive at the island in a thing on schedule.

 I had charm towards the compound volcanic island with the caldera than this incommodiousness and I got on one flight of YS11 in the morning from Haneda, Tokyo Airport and arrived at Hachijo-jima Island and lined up in the anchorage in front of an office to acquire going straight, the embarkation ticket. Fortunately, I obtained a ticket, but there was the person who cannot get. If there are many loads, for a cargo-passenger boat, I seem to reduce capacity.

 I began to see an island in the distance, and the total picture appeared before long. I see neither an island of the cliff, a person nor the building. Furthermore, I saw concrete like the white small building and breakwater when I advanced. The figure of the person can confirm as it approaches, but after all it is cliff.

The ship goes to the anchorage of the concrete such as the breakwater. Because a wave does not have mooring rudely, I steer the ship not to leave the bank with having hung an engine.

You must jump off it by the timing when a ship becomes height same as the concrete of the anchorage to get it off because the pitch difference of the wave is big. Of course it is leaving a ship while it has on-site two people assist it. "Island this that is more terrible than imagination" is my first impression.

 I went to the observatory of the outer rim of a volcanic crater called Ohtonbu to watch the total picture of the composite volcano on the next morning. I did this scene to watch for the first time in a thing of eyes and was impressed by the beauty that nature made.

I sit at the lifeline of the island, water service and the electric facilities next. I use the slope that I harden the water service with concrete and made and save water in a reservoir. And I sent water to the water purification plant and supplied the family with water as drinking water.

The electricity turns a dynamo with a big diesel engine and generates electricity and supplies the family and provides you with the gas in propane.

The store of the island is grocery store one house, service station one house, bar one house. The public accommodation had a post office, a police box, firefighting place, a village office, an elementary and junior high school (juxtaposition), a day nursery, small steam bath building (a terrestrial heat bath) and a pay booth.

I went around the island on a motorcycle, but what a person had did not match a person at a village only in public accommodation.

 A black color Japanese cow seems to be famous, and the special product of blue Island lays in stock of a calf from the inland and I can be brought up in an island and seem to ship it. I ship the thing which I cultivated in passion fruit in Hachijo-jima Island, and the other special products do it in juice in Hachijo-jima Island and sell it.

The circumference of the island is an abundant fishing ground, but a ship cannot moor by the topography of the island and when there is not a wave, I start a small ship by manual labor in the degree in the sea and seem to operate it, but I do not consist for fishery, and agriculture is only self-support.

When hear a story from the young kindergarten teacher of the day nursery about this island; "longed for the south island, but, in cliff, there is not a palm tree, and there is not the coffee house, too". "

By the story of the male staff of 30 generations of the village office, as for the staff of the village office, most are from the island outside, and the early person seems to leave the island in several months in two or three years for the stay.

If the most are early in from the island outside for two or three years for the stay, the staff of the government office is several months, and the male staff of 30 generations of the government office seems to leave the island.

While a compound volcanic island, the life in the outer rim of a volcanic crater of the caldera is islands, I do not see the sea.

The ship does not come to leave the island if weather is bad and returns to Hachijo-jima Island even if a ship comes if a wave is high without coming near to the island.

I tell it about the call at a port of the ship by the broadcast of the island, but the ship does not come every morning for these past 3 days. The numbers of people of the person who wants to leave the island if a ship does not come increase, but the capacity may not get with 12 people.

While I felt uneasiness in this tramp route while being a regular line, I began worrying what time it was appeared in.


青ヶ島の船着場 堤防がないため係留できない。



         駐在所、島の警官は1人                    簡易水道の取水場

 船の乗船事務所 ここで八丈島行きの申し込みをする。定員12名なので、欠航すると空きが無くなってくる。



 青ヶ島小中学校 在校生は19人だった。




           消防団の訓練                           発電所






家庭の取水タンク。山からの湧水を溜めている。      子牛を育て、出荷する。


