2020年4月7日 18時48分
新型コロナウィルス 最新情報:https://hazard.yahoo.co.jp/article/20200207
18:48, April 7, 2020
In response to the rapid spread of new
coronavirus infections in urban areas, Prime Minister Abe issued a "state
of emergency" based on the law to seven prefectures such as Tokyo at the
government's task force. ..
The declaration is effective until May 6th,
covering Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba, Osaka, Hyogo, and Fukuoka.
On April 16th, the Japanese government
expanded the target area from 7 prefectures to the whole country until May 6th
in order to stop the infection and explosion of the new coronavirus.
The Japanese government pointed out that the spread of infections due to
the movement of people was seen, "At any rate, we will achieve contact
reduction of at least 70%, 80% as much as possible" and called for
absolutely avoiding unnecessary homecoming and travel.
It also urged consideration of restrictions
on entrance to tourist facilities.
In addition to the six prefectures, the
seven prefectures from the beginning, including Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo,
Kanagawa, Osaka, Hyogo, and Fukuoka, have been added to the 13 prefectures,
which are the focus of efforts to prevent the spread of infection. Specified
May 4 The Government of Japan extended the
period during which emergency measures should be implemented until May 31.
"Cityscape of an emergency declaration"
Shinjuku on Saturday, April 11
Harajuku, Meiji Jingu, Shibuya, Takanawa Gateway Station on Friday, April
Around Nakano Station on Tuesday, April 28
「緊急事態宣言の街並み」:4月11日 土曜日の新宿
4月24日 金曜日の原宿・明治神宮・渋谷・高輪ゲートウェー駅
Meiji jingu
Takanawa Gateway Station
4月28日火曜日 Around Nakano Station
New Coronavirus Infection
Synonyms: COVID-19
緊急事態宣言 =新型コロナウィルス=