Description of museum visit 2011,12,21 to Germany


ドイツ博物館 訪問記 2011,12,21 ミュンヘン      



 中に入ると、さすがにドイツの科学技術を誇らしげに語るように世界初と言われる展示物が広い施設に整然と並んでいた。 最初に大きな帆船がデーンと置いてあり規模の大きさに圧倒された。何となく東京秋葉原にあった交通博物館に時代と風格が似ているような気がした。


 2階に上がるとメッサーシュミット109戦闘機、第一次大戦で活躍したフォッカー複葉機、撃墜王リヒト・フォーフェンの赤い三葉機、さらにはライト兄弟のライト・フライヤー 全てが実物だ。さすがにヒンデンブルグ飛行船は模型だったが、その技術は誇らしげに展示されていた。(水素ガスによる爆発の事実も細かに説明あり) 34階は宇宙技術の展示室になっており、小中学生の興味を引く内容で子供たちが大勢いた。


 この博物館のことを良く知らないで、たまたま通りかかったところに、大きなスクリューがあったので入館してみたところ、非常に珍しい世界初の実物が展示してあり大満足、感激してしまった。 ヒトラーの足跡を求めて、このミュンヘンに来たのだが、思いもよらず大きな収穫があったのだ。ミュンヘンでの感激は、たぶん一生、心に残り続けることだろう。

Description of museum visit 2011,12,21 to Germany

here is the German museum in a center of Germany Munich, the central Japan of the izar river.I succeeded German technology before reaching agriculture, the mining industry, aeronautical engineering, a railroad, a ship, a machine, the space in a young generation, and, as a museum to let you learn, an Oscar phone mirror proposed it in 1903, and this museum was opened to the public from 1925.At first the screw (propeller) of the little less than 7m in diameter big ship catches eye in the front in front of the museum building along the Ludwig’s bridge of the izar river.

When the door passes through the passage abreast of a courtyard in around 200m ahead from there, there is a solid museum entrance. Though it was the opening from 9:00 a.m., a lot of groups of primary schoolchild and junior high students waited.I was orderly, and, in the museum, the showpieces which it was said to, as is expected, to recite German technology proudly that the world's first lined up in the wide institution.When the institution separated you greatly, it was classified in a ship, a plane, space technology, and the technique concerning it, an engine simple substance, a lot of including the big marine application steam engine were small, and display explanation was done.

Because I loved airplanes, I advanced to the exhibition room of the airplane in the depths.

Natural display of world's first fighter jet Messerschmitt Me262 and rocket fighter Me163.

The display of the cut model of the engine, the real thing cut model of the intercontinental ballistic missile of the perpendicular rocket fighter and V-1, V- display it. Light came in through a glass dome opened on a museum ceiling on the tip of the V-, and the atmosphere was the best.

All including the light fryer of 109 Messerschmitt fighters, Fokker D.VII wings of a biplane fighter which played an active part in World War I, red Fokker Dr.1 honewort fighter of the ace Lihit four fen and Wright brothers is the real thing when I enter the second floor.

The Hindenburg airship was a model, but the technique was displayed proudly. (I am small, and there is explanation in the fact of the explosion with the hydrogen gas, too)

-4 floors became the exhibition room of the space technology, and there were children by the contents which attracted the interest of the primary and secondary student in great numbers.

After coming back to the exhibition room of the ship of the first floor, something like horizontal bar stuck out something or other from the floor. When I understood that it was the periscope of the submarine as I approached and I went near and looked into a bottom, a black object was seen in the basement

After I ran it down below hastily, and going most to the depths, a real thing cut model of world's first submarine U-boat (U1) was what particularly displayed. I am excited very much once again!


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