A Folk Guerrilla 1969


フォークゲリラ 1969.6.14




A Folk Guerrilla

Shinjuku Station and Nishiguchi underground plaza in Tokyo buried by young people who sang the folk song and were carried out on June 14, 1969 at time.

In 1970, I had a revision of U.S.-Japan Security Treaty in the next year, and the student movement that occurred from treaty opposite struggle and a corruption case of Nippon University, the issue of university self-government developed to a political struggle before long.
And, the age also influenced also by worldwide Vietnamese pacifism and was a boom of the folk song.

Young people sang the fork guitar, and it gathered in one hand, and the anti-war song and the folk song were sung.
Young people who have the guitar follow the policeman's instruction though the police prohibit the fork meeting of a no report in the fear of an extreme demonstration, and it appears at once and it begins to sing one o'clock though it flees.

They did not announce it previously beforehand, and the young energy that I "appeared anywhere anytime and played the guitar, and anyone sang" raised pacifism peace and sang. 
Such a spectacle was called and a mass communication at that time called young people who sang the folk song in the guerrilla "Folk Guerrilla".

Here begins to gather on the evening of a Shinjuku Station and Nishiguchi  underground plaza and Saturday every week, and has developed into a big demonstration the fork meeting and afterwards as understood if it sees in the photograph.
It was an excessive age like labor movement = political battle etc. of dissatisfaction with the system of the Vietnam war opposite, American inclined to it and a worldwide campus activism that rose and were able to be put within the country.
Young people who consisted of the student repulsed to the system and burnt energy.

"= social reformation = people's revolution that the new one arises in breaking the existing regime" was dreamt, it sang, and it rolled it up.





1969.6.14その日、若者たちは熱く燃えた。見知らぬ人たちが一つになり、共感し同じ目的に一丸となった。小さな火は炎になった。若いエネルギーはいつの時代でも健在であるはずなのに・・・。2005.12.31 SUNAK星人 記