 この特別な日・時間に、選手村、そして、参加者に黙とうを呼びかけるのが「平和の祭典 オリンピック」の意義に沿うものではないだろうか。

 IOCバッハ氏は、ポーズだけで、事前に広島を訪れたのか? 人類の本当の平和を求めるなら、日本で行われたオリンピック会場で、原爆の犠牲になった方々に、黙とうを捧げるべきだった。




<当時の官僚のトップであった、内閣書記官 迫水久恒氏の、イギリス放送局の問いかけの弁>


At 8:15 am on August 6, 1945, the American bomber B-29, which came flying from Tinian Island, dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, where the general public lives, for the first time in human history.
Then, in the sky above the city, it exploded, and in the blue sky, with a flash of light and intense hot air and shock waves on the ground, the city of Hiroshima was destroyed and burned down in an instant. 
The death toll is over 200,000. And to date, there are 328,929 people, including those who have died of sequelae.

At 8:15 am on August 6, 2021. Today, the sky is blue and the hot sun shines, but the wind blows comfortably in the shade of the trees. I can't believe the tragedy that happened at this time 76 years ago.

The "Hiroshima Atomic Bomb War Victims Memorial Ceremony / Peace Memorial Ceremony" has been reduced for the second consecutive year due to coronavirus infection, and the general public cannot participate. Nevertheless, the citizens of Hiroshima gathered at Peace Park and offered a silent prayer at 8:15.

However, even at this time, the competition continued at the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020. August 6 is a special day for Japan and the world for the first time in human history when an atomic bomb was dropped and exploded in a city where ordinary citizens live.
It would be in line with the significance of the "Peace Festival Olympics" to call on the athletes' village and participants to pray quietly on this special day and time

Did IOC Bach visit Hiroshima in advance just by posing? If we were to seek true peace for humankind, we should have offered a silent prayer to the victims of the atomic bomb at the Olympic venue in Japan.
Temperature 38 , in the Peace Park, a column of citizens to dedicate a prayer was followed.

<What is justification and justice for dropping the atomic bomb>

The war that Japan set up. As a compensation for the damage of US soldiers in the attack on Pearl Harbor and the Bataan Death March (abuse of US POWs by the Japanese Army), and the sacrifice of US soldiers in the Battle of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Twice
It is also said that the atomic bomb was dropped because it was necessary to end the war early in order to prevent the Soviet troops from invading and occupying Japan.

The United States dropped the atomic bomb knowing the catastrophic consequences. Japan wasted time without ending the war. Many precious lives of civilians have been lost as a result of the actions and decisions of selfish government and military leaders in both countries.

Even now, we can see a similar scene in the world.  Just cause. What is justice ... Victims are always civilians.



広島かがり火の祭典「貴方の夢・祈り・希望 願い札で天まで届けよう。」19時32分

8月5日 祈りを捧げる 19時56分

8月6日(金)8時15分 黙祷













全国 小学生・中学生の平和メッセージ






<IOCバッハ会長、広島市の平和記念公園を訪問した際の警備費 TV新広島2021.8.12

<Hiroshima City and the prefecture bear the cost of Bach's security because the IOC refused = Hiroshima Home TV> 2021.8.12

It turned out that the prefecture and Hiroshima City will bear the security fee of 3.79 million yen for IOC Bach, who visited Hiroshima City last month, because the IOC and others refused it.
On the 16th of last month, a week before the opening of the Tokyo Olympics, IOC President Bach visited the Peace Park, donated flowers to the Atomic Bomb Memorial, and visited the Atomic Bomb Museum.
At that time, he entrusted security to a security company and restricted general access to Peace Park for about three hours.According to the prefecture and city, I asked the IOC and the Games Organizing Committee to pay 3.79 million yen for security, but because the IOC and others refused, the prefecture and Hiroshima city had to spend half each. ..

製作:子どもたちに、世界に!被曝の記録を贈る会/平和博物館を創る会  1989

撮影:中国新聞記者 松重美人氏 (Photo by Yoshito Matsushige )

「黒い雨」訴訟=被爆者 認定 2021.7.26



※広島高裁判決(要旨) 2021.7.14



"Black rain" Litigation = A-bomb survivor certification 2021.7.26

On August 6, 1945, black rain containing radioactive materials and soot that fell in and around Hiroshima City, the epicenter of the bomb, after the atomic bomb was dropped by the United States.
It was contested around the certification requirements of the health damage caused by the rain. A trial in which 84 plaintiffs complained, "I am suffering from health problems as a result of being exposed to black rain, so I want you to be recognized as an atomic bomb survivor."

"Hibakusha health handbook" "A-bomb survivor health notebook"

The national government designates the area adjacent to the hypocenter where a high radiation dose is detected as the "A-bomb survivor area", and a notebook given to the target person.
In 1976, the elliptical area with a length of about 19 km and a width of 11 km on the northwest side of the hypocenter, which was estimated to have had heavy rain, was designated as a "special area", and people who were in the area are also eligible.
The subjects received a free medical examination.
When there is a certain disease can acquire the notebook.

Hiroshima High Court Decision (Summary) 2021.7.14

It is sufficient to prove that the health damage caused by radiation cannot be denied for the A-bomb survivor certification.
even without being struck by the rain, there is a possibility that the internal exposure, such as by ingestion of water and vegetables.

With this ruling, Japan has recognized all plaintiffs as hibakushaAtomic bomb survivors
Japan will consider recognizing survivors under similar conditions as hibakusha. Atomic bomb survivors

This will be familiar to those who have experienced the atomic bombing in Nagasaki, and will spread to the damage recognition of the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga mentioned the aging of the A-bomb survivors and made statements as if he had taken humanitarian considerations, but forgot that the damage caused by the atomic bomb was caused by the national act of war.

※「黒い雨」訴訟 関連 新聞記事(東京新聞)



Hiroshima Atomic Bomb

  WR Victims Memorial Ceremony
/ Peace Memorial Ceremony



令和3年 広島原爆戦没者慰霊式
/ 平和祈念式