「新宿の街」(松田聖子ヒットチャートに乗せて)13mins 9sec "a town of Shinjuku"on Seiko Matsuda hit chart (Fantasy film)1995/8mm Film Movie /13mins9sec/color/Sound
The work which I took to look at a town of Shinjuku from the step
from Keio Line Shinjuku Station
"Meimu" (Fantasy film)
この作品は、作者が崇拝する、歌人・詩人・劇作家・実験映画監督であり、演劇実験室「天井桟敷」主宰であった、故寺山修司氏のイメージを追う旅である。 また、作者自身の心の迷いと夢をダブらせた幻想映画でもある。
This work is trip, which the author
worships and which was a poet, was a dramatist, and was an experiment film
director, and was theater laboratory "tenjo-sajiki" superintendence
where the late Mr. Shuji Terayama's image is followed. Moreover, it is also the
fantasy movie which piled up illusion of the author's own heart and the dream
“Sunflower ” (Fantasy film)
1997/8mmFilm Movie/3 mins 52sec/color/Sound
The work which lets sunflower Bach feel
various memories
2000/8mmFilm Movie/11.5mins/color/Sound
Experimental Setagaya Line is the fantasy film, which the train runs
between Shimotakaido and Sangenchaya stations.
Because the train does not operate anymore, Sunakawa wanted to express
the image of the dead train that goes round and round to give fantasy to the
viewer by showing the past images through the films.
" (Fantasy film)
2003/8mm Film Movie/9mins/color/Sound
This movie is the experiment movie that finished to the work that
has fear by using a special filter and effect sound.
"Movie that has a damage "「傷のある映画」Fantasy film) 2003/8mm Film Movie/4mins/color/Sound
This movie is the movie with a damage in film itself. This movie picked up it the film that was included in the camera 8 mm out of garbage is been the one that develops and processed.
" Zigeunerweisen!?" (Fantasy film)
2005/8mm Film Movie/12mins/color/Sound
The fantasy movie which I did this movie
about movie " Zigeunerweisen " of director Seijyun Suzuki
order and I did it on the stage of "Buddha temple sunken road" of
Kamakura city and produced.
「SHINDEN 震電」=暑い夏の日の思い出=5mins 12sec
SHINDEN"=memory of a hot summer day)=Fantasy film
2013/8mm Film Movie /5mins 12sec/color/Sound
The fantasy movie which expressed the memory of the day when former
fighter pilot was young to a picture.
「LAST 180sec」(8mm映画、最後の1本)4mins 5sec
"LAST 180sec"(8mm movie, nothing last)
2013/8mm Film Movie /4mins 5sec/color/Sound
富士8mm フィルムは、2013年3月31日に販売を終了し、同年9月30日に現像も終了した。
The Fuji 8mm film finished sale on March 31, 2013, and the
developing was finished on September 30, the same year, too.
This work is the fantasy movie which I brought scenery and topics of
the time into with a work expressing the end of the 8mm movie.
"a town of Shinjuku" (on Seiko Matsuda hit chart)13mins9sec
1997 "Meimu" 16.5mins
1997 “Sunflower ” 3 mins 52sec
LINE" 11.5mins
2003 "EXPERIMENTAL " 9mins
2003 "Movie that has a damage " 4mins
2005 " Zigeunerweisen!?" 12mins
2013 "SHINDEN"(memory of a hot summer day) 5mins 12sec
2013 "LAST 180sec"(8mm movie, nothing last) 4mins 5sec
" Zigeunerweisen!?"