九州長崎県 池島炭鉱 閉山
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An Ikeshima coal mine was closed (Kyushu Nagasaki)
In "the 21st century,
Japanese coal (a coal mine) disappears". There was the news of 」. In 1999, I visited an Ikejima coal mine (Matsushima Coal Mining Ikejima
Mine business place) of the Kyushu Nishisonogi, Nagasaki peninsula offing
in in Pacific coal mine of Kushiro-city, Hokkaido and July in February.
The Ikejima coal mine was going to mine it as the present conditions by a plan until July, 2006 for coal policy five years of a country at the time of 1999, but pit fire was caused in February, 2000 and, for five months, came in appearance charcoal, and there was not it.
And there was the influence,
too and has been closed suddenly on November 29, 2001.
Pacific coal mine left alone
was closed on January 31, 2002, and the commercial coal mine has disappeared
from Japan.
With this column, I carry the person who recorded the closing a mountain
back for closing a mountain of an Ikejima coal mine. As for "before
World War II, we must never forget after the war the coal mine worker who
worked as a brave man of Japanese revival as a soldier of an increase in
production". 」
The Ikeshima Port whole view whom collection of charcoal ground overlooks
The photograph left; It is a product crowded pier in a ship with coal accumulation a place / coal sorting a factory / coal storage ground and coal from the top
左:発電所屋上からの池島港 I see Ikeshima Port from the roof of a thermal power station. 右:石炭専用貨物船に石炭を満遍なく積込むThe product is crowded with coal in a cargo boat for
exclusive use of coal thoroughly.
第2立て坑:ここから地下650mまで降りて採炭する。 特殊鋼の刃が付いたドラムカッターで採炭する。(資料写真)
The second shaft: I go down from here to underground 650m and dig coal. I dig coal with the drum cutter which a blade of special steel stuck to.
集炭場:彫りだされた石炭はここに集められポットからコンベアで、選炭工場に運ばれる。Coal accumulation ground: The
coal which begins to have been carved is collected here, and, with a conveyer,
it is progressed in a coal sorting factory.
選炭工場:ここでは石炭と不純物(ボタ)を水を通して選別する(大きい石炭:写真左から粉炭:写真右まで)A coal sorting factory:
I remove impurities (BOTA) through water to coal here and sort size of
選炭工場集中管理室ではモニターで全ての区間の状況が把握できる。I can grasp the situation of all sections with a monitor
in intensive management room of a coal sorting factory.
選炭工場で使用した水はろ過し放水される。A device to filter 選炭工場から集められた出荷前の石炭貯蔵所A coal storage
さらにろ過された、微粉炭は火力発電所に利用され、火力発電所から出た熱は海水を真水にするプラント(写真右)で利用される。Coal of filtered slight powder is used in a thermal power station, and
the heat that went out of a thermal power station is used with a plant
(the photograph right) which makes seawater fresh water.
火力発電所のボイラ(左)と発電用モーター(右):池島の電力はこれでまかなう。A boiler (the left) of a thermal power station and a motor (the right)
for generation devices: Electricity of Ikeshima uses this.
ボタはトロッコで運ばれ、海岸近くに積み上げられる。Impurities (BOTA) are carried by truck, and it
is piled up in shore neighborhood.
第2立て坑前にある銅像と入り口A bronze statue and the door which there is in front of
the second shaft.
繰り込み場:坑内での作業の割り振りを行い待機する。I do an assignment of work in the coal mine pit and wait.
入坑前の準備体操、掲載してある絵は子供たちが書いた保安月間のポスター Preparations exercises before entering
the coal mine pit. The preservation monthly poster that children wrote
the carried picture
炭鉱マンの勇姿に感動!I am impressed by a brave figure of a coal mine man!
採炭場に入坑 I enter the pit to dig coal.
エレベータで地下650mまで降下する。 I descend to underground 650m by an elevator.
昇抗:作業を終えて、戻った炭鉱マン、タイムカードを押して、階下のロッカールームへ I finish work, and the coal mine man who came back pushes a time card and
goes to a downstairs locker room.
1階には、大浴場があった。ここで汗を流し、疲れを癒す。At a large bathhouse of the first floor, I sweat
and heal fatigue.
池島の町1999年7月 Row of houses along a city street of Ikeshima 1999.7
On November 29, 2001, it is Ikejima of coal mine closedown.
最後の繰り込みを終え、待機する炭鉱マン。I finish an assignment of the last work, and it is
a waiting coal mine man.
最後の安全確認「いいか、よし!」 Confirm the last security "is good whether is good"!
報道陣のカメラを覗き込む。さあ、最後の入坑だ! I look into a camera of the reporters. ”OK, I am
with the last pit!”
ひっそりとした待合所、清掃のおばさんが寂しそう。Quiet waiting for place, aunt of cleaning look
The coal mine man whom I finished the last work, and returned thought of
a lonely expression in a flash bulb of the reporters. And words of "fatigue"
of the family whom I met sounded.
タイムカード前で着替える姿が寂しそう。A figure to change in front of a time card seems to
be lacking.
売店も今日で閉店。 A stand closes today, too.
動かない、トロッコ。作業員のいない詰め所。 The truck which does not work. A staff room without a worker.
総合福祉センターでは、職安や役場の相談所がが開設した。 In the general welfare center, consultation place of the job placement office and a government office established it.
パチンコ場は、大盛況! An amusement is prosperous very much!
ショッピングストアー&フェリー乗り場の売店はいつものとおり。 The shopping store & ferry platform
stand was usual.
No, there was you and was always strange. In an Ikejima shopping store,
a bank of a retirement bonus guide and consultation place for moving established
フェリー乗り場、学校、旧島民住宅はひっそり静まり返っていた。 The ferry platform, the school, the old islander house fell silent quietly.
静けさが漂う。 There is stillness.
池島炭鉱は閉山した。その後、池島の人口は五分の一に減ってしまった。閉山後の2005年4月の様子は、PLANET NEWS<機関紙:身近なニュース>の浮流星7号に詳しく掲載しております。