今の時代でもSNSによる偽情報と偽映像、私たちは、100年前のこの事件を教訓にできるのか? 個である我々が社会正義の為に、集団に意義を唱えることが出来るのだろうか? いや、勇気をもって、しなければならない。
Now, 100 years after the Great Kanto
Earthquake, I once again think about the rumors and false beliefs of those
When I was a child, I heard rumors from my
grandmother that immediately after the Great Kanto Earthquake, ``Koreans
rioted,'' and ``poisoned wells.''
Her grandmother didn't say more, but two
incidents have come to the fore in the 100th anniversary of the disaster.
The "Kemigawa Incident" and the
"Fukuda Village Incident", which occurred immediately after the
earthquake, were caused by hoaxes, false beliefs, prejudice and discrimination.
Taking this opportunity, I tried to think
about various prejudices and discriminatory feelings in modern society in light
of the incident that happened 100 years ago.
"Kemigawa Incident" (Kemigawa:
now Kemigawa Ward, Chiba City)
It occurred on September 5, four days after
the earthquake. The victims were men in their twenties from Okinawa, Akita, and
Mie prefectures. Three of them, who had evacuated from Tokyo by crossing the
old Hanami River after the earthquake, were mistaken for Koreans by the
vigilante group because of their dialect. An incident in which he was
slaughtered and dumped his corpse in the Hanami River. After that, it was
called the "Makuhari case", and as a result of the trial, 10 members
of the case group were found guilty.
"Fukuda Village Incident" Fukuda Village, Higashi Katsushika District, Chiba Prefecture (currently Noda City)
It occurred on September 6, five days after
the Great Kanto Earthquake. More than 100 villagers, including vigilantes
living in Fukuda Village, Higashi Katsushika County, Chiba Prefecture (now Noda
City), assaulted 15 men and women from Kagawa Prefecture along the Tone River.
Nine people, including infants and pregnant women, were thrown into the Tone
River and killed.
The peddlers were suspected of being
Koreans and were killed because they were speaking in an unfamiliar Sanuki
dialect. Eight vigilantes were arrested. The arrested person was sentenced to
prison, but was soon released under an amnesty related to the death of Emperor
These two incidents were the rampage of
vigilante groups who believed the rumor that "Koreans caused a riot"
that spread immediately after the earthquake. No, not only that, but also the
responsibility of ordinary citizens who turned a blind eye.
All victims were from rural areas far from
Tokyo where they could not speak standard Japanese.
※10万5000人(犠牲者)の内、殺害された朝鮮人などは1~数%(内閣府 中央防災会議報告書)
<Great Kanto Earthquake>
Around noon on September 1, 1923 (Taisho 12),
an earthquake of magnitude (M) 7.9 occurred with its epicenter in the
northwestern part of Sagami Bay. Buildings collapsed, fires, tsunamis, and
landslides occurred frequently in various places, and about 105,000 people died
or went missing. Amidst the chaos, rumors spread that Koreans would cause
riots, and many Koreans living in Japan were massacred. Some of the victims
were Chinese and Japanese.
<Feelings towards Koreans held by Japanese people at the time>
In addition to the massacre of compatriots, there is also the fear
and anxiety immediately after the earthquake, and the ``certain feelings''
Japanese people had toward Koreans at the time. Japan annexed Korea in 1910,
and after that, Koreans began moving to Japan in search of work.
On the other hand, the independence movement intensified on the
Korean Peninsula, and news of this movement was transmitted to Japan, causing
many Japanese people to fear and develop a sense of discrimination.
The Japanese call Koreans who engage in anti-colonization activities
``riots'' and say they are violent people.
Other incidents during the earthquake disaster In addition to the ``Kemigawa Incident'' and the ``Fukuda Village Incident,'' the following incidents also occurred.
<Honjo Incident >(Honjo City, Saitama Prefecture)
The Honjo Incident was a murder of Koreans that occurred on
September 4, 1923.
Immediately after the earthquake, various rumors were circulating,
including rumors such as ``Koreans causing a riot'' and ``Koreans poisoning the
well.'' Because of this fear, vigilante groups were formed around fire
departments in various parts of the Kanto region.
A similar vigilante group was organized in Saitama Prefecture and
hunted Koreans throughout the prefecture, escalating into violent acts that
resulted in casualties. It is believed that about 100 people died.
However, in most cases they were charged with minor crimes or were
acquitted due to insufficient evidence.
<Fujioka Incident> (Fujioka City, Gunma Prefecture)
This incident occurred on
September 5th and 6th, immediately after the Great Kanto Earthquake, when
vigilante groups and other citizens believed the rumors that ``Koreans were
rioting'' and ``poisoning wells.'' This is an incident in which 17 people were
to the Gunma Prefectural Police History, police arrested 37 people on suspicion
of murder and other crimes, and most were convicted.
Ideological suppression and eradication of labor activists taking
advantage of the chaos caused by the earthquake
<亀戸事件> =労働運動の芽をつぶす権力犯罪=(現:東京都江東区亀戸)
<Kameido Incident> = Power crime that killed the buds of the
labor movement =
Immediately after the
earthquake, martial law was declared in the midst of confusion, and the public
and private sectors jointly issued a message: The then Ministry of the Interior
sent a telegram to each local government, organizing vigilante groups to
"report the Korean riots as a fact and carry out strict crackdowns."
This provided support for the country to heighten its vigilance. lIn
an era without television or radio, newspapers were the only source of information.
The newspaper also did not provide any basis for many of the false rumors,
stirring up fear among the people.
Taking advantage of the chaos, on September 3, 10 people, including
Japanese socialists and labor movement leaders, were taken by the Kameido
police and massacred by the military. This was a crime of power that took
advantage of the chaos caused by the earthquake to suppress ideas and eradicate
labor activists against the backdrop of the social conditions at the time.
<甘粕事件(あまかす事件)>(大杉事件=思想家 弾圧事件)東京都
関東大震災の混乱の際に,東京憲兵隊特高課の分隊長 甘粕らは,アナキストである大杉栄・内妻の伊藤野枝と甥の橘宗一を外出先で、拘束し、淀橋警察署(現:新宿警察署)から麴町憲兵司令部(現:千代田区麹町)に連行し、虐殺した。大杉は平民社の参画などで知られており、また伊藤は女性解放運動家の平塚らいてう(らいちょう)の青鞜社に関わった事でも知られている。
※雑誌「青鞜」:日本初の女性による女性の為の文芸雑誌として、平塚らいてう が中心となり創刊した月刊誌。1911~16年に発行された。家父長制に抵抗した、らいてう
1923年12月26日の大杉の葬儀の際、遺骨が右翼団体 大化会の岩田富美夫らに奪われた。その報復のため無政府主義者古田大次郎(ふるただいじろう)らは翌1924年9月1日、福田雅太郎大将狙撃(そげき)事件を起こした。大杉の死によりアナキズム運動は大打撃を受けることになった。
<Amakasu Incident = Osugi Incident => Tokyo Prefecture
Taking advantage of the confusion caused by the Great Kanto
Earthquake, on September 16, 1923, Amakasu, a squad leader of the Tokyo
Military Police Special High School Division, arrested the anarchist Osugi
Sakae, his wife Noe Ito, and his nephew Soichi Tachibana.
This is the incident in which they were subsequently murdered.
Osugi is known for his involvement in Heiminsha, and Ito is also known for his involvement in Hiratsuka Raicho's Seikasha.
Military Police Captain Masahiko Amakasu, who was the squad leader,
was blamed, but it is speculated that there was actually a higher-ranking
commander. Amakasu was sentenced to 10 years in prison at a military court, but
was released in October 1926 and became the top official of the Manchukuo Union
Association. (Source: Obunsha Japanese History Dictionary, 3rd edition)
During Osugi's funeral on December 26, 1923, his remains were stolen
by Fumio Iwata and others from the right-wing group Taikakai.
In retaliation, anarchist Daijiro Furuta and others committed the
sniping incident of Gen. Masataro Fukuda on September 1, 1924. Osugi's death
dealt a major blow to the anarchist movement.
The Japanese government still has not revealed the full facts of
these incidents and has not acknowledged responsibility for the perpetrators.
In the midst of confusion
and fear, in the midst of anxiety, all of us hold up a good cause, ``to protect
ourselves, protect our families, protect our region, our town, and even our
country.'' or commit a crime.
They are all supposed to be good people, but through false rumors
and delusional beliefs, they become complicit in crimes by turning a blind eye.
In addition, the government has taken advantage of the chaos to
suppress ideas, which is why we must study history thoroughly and apply its
lessons to the present day.
2023年9月1日(金)=関東大震災100周年 朝鮮人犠牲者追悼式典= 墨田区横網町公園
墨田区横網町公園に、大震災の直後に虐殺された朝鮮人らを追悼するため1973年に立てられた追悼碑、「追悼 関東大震災朝鮮人犠牲者」、碑文「この歴史 永遠に忘れず 在日朝鮮人と固く 手を握り 日朝親善
アジア平和を 打ちたてん」
一方、朝鮮人虐殺の事実を疑問視し、過去に集会の発言がヘイトスピーチ発言と認定された団体「日本女性の会 そよ風」は、追悼碑に刻まれた犠牲者数「6千余名」を「根拠がない」と主張し、碑の撤去を2016年から要求。17年から公園内の別の慰霊碑前で、日朝協会と同じ1日午後に「真実の慰霊祭」と称する集会を催してきた。この日も、追悼碑の前で集会しようとすると、集会に反対する人たちから「帰れ」とのシュプレヒコールがあがった。
100th Anniversary of the Great Kanto Earthquake Memorial Ceremony for Korean
Victims September 1, 2023 (Friday) Yokoamicho Park, Sumida Ward
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Great Kanto Earthquake that occurred at 11:58 on September 1, 1923. "Memorial: Korean Victims of the Great Kanto Earthquake" is a memorial monument erected in Yokoamicho Park in Sumida Ward in 1973 to commemorate the Koreans who were massacred immediately after the Great Earthquake. The inscription reads, ``We will never forget this history, and we will firmly hold hands with Korean residents in Japan and build goodwill between Japan and North Korea and peace in Asia.''
Memorial ceremonies have been held in front of this memorial monument since
1974. This year, the executive committee consisting of the Japan-North
Korea Association and others held the event from 11 a.m. on September 1st.
In the hope of contributing to peace and stability in Asia and the world,
we will hold a memorial ceremony to remember the victims of the earthquake
and to express our determination not to repeat such history. (September
1 Great Kanto Earthquake Memorial Ceremony Executive Committee for Korean
There were sutra readings, a requiem dance, condolence speeches from all
walks of life, memorial messages, a moment of silence (at 11:58), and floral
offerings. On the other hand, the group ``Japanese Women's Association
Soyokaze'', which questions the fact of the massacre of Koreans and whose
rallies have been certified as hate speech in the past, claims that the
6,000-baseless number of victims inscribed on the memorial monument is
The name has no basis They have been demanding the monument's removal since
2016. Since 2017, they have been holding a gathering called the ``True
Memorial Service'' in front of another memorial in the park on the same
morning as the Japan-North Korea Association. On this day as well, when
people tried to gather in front of the memorial monument, people who opposed
the gathering shouted at them to "go home."
After the Great Kanto Earthquake 100 years ago, thousands of Korean victims
and more than 700 Chinese people were massacred by the army, police, and
vigilante groups of the time.
2023年9月3日(日)<関東大震災100周年 亀戸事件追悼会>(江東区亀戸)
Ideological suppression and eradication of labor activists taking
advantage of the chaos caused by the earthquake
<Kameido Incident> = Power crime that killed the buds of the labor
Immediately after the earthquake, martial law was declared in the midst
of confusion, and the public and private sectors jointly issued a message:
The then Ministry of the Interior sent a telegram to each local government,
organizing vigilante groups to "report the Korean riots as a fact
and carry out strict crackdowns." "an
This provided support for the country to heighten its vigilance. lIn an
era without television or radio, newspapers were the only source of information.
The newspaper also did not provide any basis for many of the false rumors,
stirring up fear among the peopl
Taking advantage of the chaos, on September 3, 10 people, including
Japanese socialists and labor movement leaders, were taken by the Kameido
police and massacred by the military. This was a crime of power that took
advantage of the chaos caused by the earthquake to suppress ideas and eradicate
labor activists against the backdrop of the social conditions at the time.
This was a crime of power that took advantage of the chaos caused by the
earthquake to suppress ideas and eradicate labor activists against the
backdrop of the social conditions at the time. In September 1970, the ``Monument
to the Victims of the Kameido Incident'' was erected at Akamon Joshinji
Temple in Kameido, and a memorial service is held every September. This
year, it was held on September 3rd by the Kameido Incident Memorial Executive
Committee at the Kameido Cultural Center near Kameido Station with about
70 participants. There were progress reports, words of condolence, messages,
a moment of silence, and all participants sang the labor song ``Nankatsu
Workers' Song'' to the accompaniment of an accordion. After the memorial
service, participants went to the Kameido Incident Victims Monument, read
sutras, laid flowers, and prayed for the souls of the victims.
=震災で行方が消えた青年十人は、警察と軍隊に銃剣で殺された 。 混乱の中で青年たちを殺害 =
※亀戸事件 - Wikipedia
2023年9月6日(水)「関東大震災 福田村事件100年 犠牲者追悼式」(千葉県野田市)
追悼式は、大利根霊園にある「福田村事件 追悼慰霊碑」前で行われ、円福寺の住職による読経、参列者の焼香、献花が行われた。今年は初めて犠牲者の出身地 香川県の職員の参列もあり、厳かに行われた。参加者は推定で80人位であった。
Wednesday, September 6, 2023 “Great Kanto
Earthquake Fukuda Village Incident 100th Anniversary Memorial Ceremony for
Victims” (Noda City, Chiba Prefecture)
At 11:58 on September 1, 1923, the Great Kanto Earthquake occurred.
It was September 6th, just five days later.
It is said that the group of peddlers were suspected of being Korean
because they spoke in the Sanuki dialect, and were killed.
On the other hand, the Fukuda Village Incident Memorial Cenotaph
Preservation Society stated, ``The group of peddlers who suffered the damage
were members of a discriminated Buraku community.The incident was caused by
ethnic discrimination, Buraku discrimination, occupational discrimination, etc.
I believe that there is so-called "complex discrimination" that intersects
with each other. ” he says.
Eight members of the vigilante group were
arrested. Those arrested were sentenced to prison, but were soon released under
a pardon related to the death of Emperor Taisho.
When we are confused by the information that comes and goes and are
stirred up by anxiety and fear for our survival, the collective psychology
accelerates and the crowd goes out of control. This applies not only to past
events but also to those of us living in the present.
The memorial service was held
in front of the Fukuda Village Incident Memorial Cenotaph in Otone Cemetery,
and included a sutra reading by the chief priest of Enpukuji Temple, and
attendees burning incense and offering flowers. This year, for the first time,
officials from Kagawa Prefecture, where the victims were from, attended and the
ceremony was solemn. There were an estimated 80 participants.
There is also a sotoba near the large memorial monument. The names
and ages of the deceased are engraved on the back of the monument. There is
also the word "fetus", which conveys the vividness of the image. This
monument, erected on the 80th anniversary of the incident, bears the weight of
that time.
Furthermore, on June 20, 2023, Mayor Yu Suzuki of Noda City
mentioned the 100th anniversary of the incident in an answer to general
questions from the city council, and expressed his condolences by saying, ``I
would like to offer my sincere condolences to the victims.'' showed that.
It was
the first time the city publicly expressed its condolences to the victims of
the incident.
Katori Shrine (Mitsuhori Katori Shrine), where 6 of the 15 peddlers
are said to have survived, is located about 5 minutes from the cenotaph and is
a very old shrine. The six people who were at this torii gate were saved.
It is said that the place where the nine people were killed was a short
distance from the torii gate, where a store was located at the tim
※映画『福田村事件』公式サイト (fukudamura1923.jp)
※[書籍] 「福田村事件 関東大震災・知られざる悲劇」 辻野弥生
※福田村事件追悼慰霊碑保存会 (1923fukudamura-hozonkai.blogspot.com)
関東大震災「検見川事件」 デマで県出身者犠牲 識者「今につながる差別」 - 琉球新報デジタル|沖縄のニュース速報・情報サイト
日本人が日本人を集団で殺害…関東大震災直後の忘れられた事件 現代に通ずる差別意識と偏見の暴走:東京新聞 TOKYO Web
100 years since September 1, 1923
Hoaxes and false beliefs after
the Great Kanto Earthquake
Japan 2023.9.1