The “House of Sharing” is the home for the living comfort women who were forced into
becoming sex-slaves during World War Ⅱ. The House of
Sharing Establishment Committee was founded in June 1992 with the purpose of
building a home for the living comfort women through raising funds from
Buddhist organizations and various circles of society.
" House of Nanumu " erection promotion committee
was formed in June, 1992 by a Korean Buddhism group , various social groups ,
and a nationwide donation campaign was started.
Based on the contribution that gathered , " a
house of Nanumu " is established in October, 1992 and, in 1995 , moves to 65 Wongdang-ri, Twoichon-myon, Gwangju-si, Gyunggi-do, South Korea.
It is run as social welfare corporation from 2000 by the support from a
supporter.238 government registration former comfort women in Korea.
44 survivors as of April, 2016 the average age 90 years old (at the
time of the end of the war 19 years old ).
ナヌムとは「分かち合い」という意味で、現在10人が暮らしていて、4人は寝たきりだが、豊かな自然に囲まれながら余生を送っている。 生きている歴史、ハルモニ(お婆さん)たちの安息の場として「ナヌムの家」がある。
"I share it" with
Nanumu, and ten people live on a meaning now and four people are bedridden, but
send the rest of life while being surrounded by rich nature.
The valid history, a
dormitory of Harumoni (old woman) include “House of Nanumu"
There are history building and life building, a
staff office living jointly here, and the staff calls it with friendly feeling
with Harumoni.
金曉靜さんの案内によって面会した朴玉善(パク・オクソン)ハルモニ93歳、もう一人の車椅子に乗っておられた金君子(キム・グンジャ)ハルモニ94歳であった。 朴さんは私が日本から来た日本人であるにもかかわらず、嫌悪感の表情も見せずに、日本語で挨拶し出迎えてくれた。その表情からは、過去のつらい出来事が無かったような非常に穏やかな表情で、接してくれた。ハルモニたちの表情からは日本人に対する精神的なトラウマ、拒否感や恨みなどは感じられず。ごく普通のお婆さんという感じだった。
Park said hello in Japanese without my showing an
expression of the loathsomeness in spite of Japanese.
From the expression, a past hard experience
contacted with the calm expression that there was not.
A mental trauma, a feeling of refusal or the grudge
against Japanese are not felt from an expression of Harumoni. It was the
feeling called the extremely common old woman.
However, in a video picture, Harumoni appeals for
the act that the former Japan forces did, “the Japanese Government wants you to
apologize.". And I claimed, “I do not return anymore as for the
15-year-old youth ".
I want that the Japanese Government should apologize to the Harumoni which shows courage , and came forward and to send the rest of life when you did true Sabbath to Harumoni beyond average age 90 years old " and just pray so .
"Reconciliation and Healing Foundation" to solve the problem of comfort
The Foundation was established by the Korea
government in an agreement between Japan and Korea on December 28, 2015, and
the Japan government contributed 1 billion yen.
I provide 100,000,000 wons (about
10,000,000 yen) and the family of the deceased with (20,000,000 wons of about
2,000,000 yen) for a former comfort woman for the purpose of guessing a
recovery of dignity as honor of a former comfort woman and healing a heart.
58 people have received cash out of 34 people
of inside of 47 former comfort women and 199 family of the deceased of a former
comfort woman.
2 former comfort women and 13 family of the
deceased are examining it.
Nanumu's Home ' ' criticized the
intergovernmental agreement between the Japan and Korea, but six of the 10
former comfort women living in the ' ' House of Nanumu ' ' have received
support money.
<ソウル日本大使館前慰安婦像 水曜集会> 2016..4.20