War ruins in Handa City and Minamichita Town, Aichi Prefecture
愛知県半田市・南知多町        機銃掃射の跡・軍人像

I visit on December 13, 2023.

Handa City Red Brick “Tracks of machine gun fire”  “Soldier statue” in Daijisan Nakano-in,

半田市赤レンガ 「機銃掃射跡」

愛知県名鉄観光の「半田 散策きっぷ」で紹介されている、横浜レンガ倉庫のような「半田赤レンガ建物」半田運河やレトロなビール工場などのキャッチフレーズにある、「半田赤レンガ(旧カブトビール工場)」は、横浜赤レンガ倉庫のように風情のある建物と丁度居合わせた大型バイクのマッチングもOK、ステキな雰囲気がある。

Handa City Red Brick “Tracks of machine gun fire”

Aichi Prefecture Meitetsu Tourism's ``Handa Stroll Ticket'' introduces the ``Handa Red Brick Building,'' which resembles the Yokohama Brick Warehouse, and catchphrases such as Handa Canal and a retro beer factory, and it is a quaint building.
The matching of large bikes that just happened to be together has a wonderful atmosphere.
However, the scars of the Pacific War remain on the walls of this red brick building.


A full-scale air raid on Handa City, Aichi Prefecture during World War II was carried out on July 15, 1945, by more than ten U.S. military P51 fighter planes that took off from Iwo Jima base. I did. P-51s, divided into formations of three to six planes, flew over Handa City in three waves and repeatedly attacked from extremely low altitudes.
They descended and strafed the city and surrounding areas, resulting in eight civilian casualties.
At the time, the ``Old Kabuto Beer Factory,'' which was being used as a clothing warehouse for Nakajima Aircraft, was also heavily shot, a fire broke out, and some parts were damaged.
Even now, numerous bullet holes from the machine gun fire can still be seen on the north wall. It is a valuable war ruin that is rare in Japan, and plays a role in conveying the horrors of war. (Source: From the Red Brick Explanation Board)


P51百機東海侵入 飛行場、市街地を銃撃の見出し「小火災を起こした程度で被害は軽微」とあるが、実際には死者8名を出していた

The photo below is
P-51 live bullets stuck in the strafing marks on the north face. On the right is a full-size machine gun illustration.

The red brick north face still bears the marks of a machine gun attack on July 15, 1945. It leaves countless bullet holes

南知多町山海土間53の大慈山 中之院の「軍人像」

 この像は、それまで管理していた名古屋市千種区月が丘の寺が廃寺となり、行き場を失いかけていた為、199511月に、ここ天台宗大慈山 中之院が92体の像を引き取り現在に至っている。

“Soldier statue” in Daijisan Nakano-in, Minamichita-machi Sankaidoma 53

Ninety-two military statues made over 80 years ago stand quietly in the Nakano-in of the Tendai sect Daijisan in the mountains of Minamichita Town, Aichi Prefecture, and although they vary in size, their realism is amazing. .
Many of the stone statues belong to the 6th Infantry Regiment, Nagoya 3rd Division, which suffered a devastating blow and lost its life during the landing operation at Wusun in Shanghai, China in August 1937. It was built by the bereaved families with the lump sum money of the fallen soldiers to commemorate their children who died in the war. Because it was created based on photographs taken during his lifetime, the facial expressions are still very realistic, and the army soldiers, sailors, and airmen, as well as medals and military swords, have been created exactly as they were photographed, and they have a strong appeal to the hearts of visitors.
At the time, the landing operation at Wusun was considered a reckless military operation, and one can feel the regret of the soldiers and their families who lost their lives. I felt once again how precious peace is, and at the same time, I thought that this is the image of a military man that should be passed down to future generations.
The temple in Tsukigaoka, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya City that had been in charge of these statues until then had been abandoned, and the statues were about to have nowhere else to go, so in November 1995, the Tendai sect Daijizan Nakano-in took over 92 of the statues and brought them to where they are today.

 大半が当時では珍しいコンクリートの立像で、作者は、岐阜県中津川市出身の造形作家浅野祥雲氏(18911978)。元杭さんの調査では、軍人像の制作が追いつかず、浅野氏は寺の小屋で寝泊まりして制作するほどだった。 生前の写真をもとに作られた軍人像の大きさは、約50〜約180センチ。太平洋戦争の戦局が悪化してからはコンクリート像の柱となる金属が不足し、小さくなっていったという。(出典:朝日新聞)



現在もご遺族ご縁者の方々がお参りにいらっしゃいます。                 天台宗 大慈山 中之院

About military statues

Most of the military statues here are soldiers of the 6th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Division, Nagoya City, who were killed in the 1937 Shanghai Landings when Wusun landed in front of the enemy.

After an emergency dispatch, they marched 13 kilometers on foot at night from the barracks in Nagoya Castle to Nagoya Port, boarded a cruiser and destroyer that were waiting off the coast of Noma, and arrived near the mouth of the Yangtze River in just 26 hours. They landed in front of the enemy on August 23, 1937, but almost all of them were wiped out within half a month.

The statues of the soldiers themselves were erected by the bereaved families of the soldiers, using lump-sum funds from the war dead, based on photographs.
It was from 1937 to 1942.

Also, when the Occupation Forces order demolition after the war, monks die for their country, which is the same in both the United States and Japan. Japanese people cannot destroy that. I said that if you had to tear it down, you should just shoot us here and then go and destroy it yourself, so I did my best.

Thanks to this, the statue was not destroyed.
It was located in Tsukigaoka, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya City from the time of its construction, and due to good fortune, it was moved to this mountain in November 1995, where it now resides.
Even now, the bereaved family and relatives still come to visit.

Tendai Buddhism Daijizan Nakano-in
