みんな生きたかった… 今は亡き人々の声があなたに聞こえますか…
Everyone wanted
to live... Can you hear the voices of those who have passed away now?
<A Question from a Returned Soldier> November 2007 work
79 years since that day
The skeletons that were exposed to the rain are now mine,
Daringly wearing the weapons of the time, and spending
many years
Has our last wish come true?
I came back wanting to confirm that.
日本は立憲民主主義、皆が「戦争をしません、させません。」と声をあげて叫ぼう! 皆が戦争反対・戦争をしない政党に選挙で1票投じれば、戦争を防げます。政府を監視することが出来るのは皆さんです。
exhibition gave me a strong message and shock. It is truly a shock that appeals
to the soul.
Iron Art
(Iron Modeling) This work was created by cutting and welding iron to express
the regret and sadness of the soldiers in minute detail.
All wars
are caused by countries (governments), which decide on their own based on their
interests and good causes, even though they claim to have received the trust of
the people. However, it is the ordinary citizens who are sent to war and suffer
the consequences. Ordinary citizens are the ones who are saddened. And the
country keeps repeating the same mistakes.
Japan is
a constitutional democracy, so let's all shout out, "We will not wage war,
we will not let it happen!" War can be prevented if everyone votes for a
political party that opposes war and does not wage war. You are the ones who
can monitor the government.
For the
sake of the children who will carry the future, let's learn about Japan's
modern history and convey the horrors of war.
Learn from Yoshitou Takeda's activities!
三部作 左:「陸軍兵士の問いかけ」 中:「特攻兵士の問いかけ」 右「出陣学徒兵士の問いかけ」
「靴を食らう兵士」 「一滴の水を求めて」 「飢餓地獄」
「飢えて土を掘る」 「水をください」
「別れ、餞別は自決用手榴弾」 「自決する兵士」 「遥か祖国を目指して」
左・中: 「突入する特攻兵士」 「自決する兵士」
「分かれ、餞別に一口の水を」 「望郷の叫び」
「いまなお太平洋の奥深く」 「白骨街道」 「いまなおジャングルの奥深く」
「白骨街道の累々たる死」 「大き骨は・・・」(原爆詩集さんげ)
「軍馬は帰らず」 「歌い継ぎ、語り継ぎゆかん沖縄戦の地獄を」 「被ばく そして黒い雨が・・・」
手に手榴弾 「残された数秒の母子のいのち」 「シベリア抑留兵士の埋葬」 「希望
鉄の造形作家 武田美通(たけだ よしとう)1935~2016
<Iron modeling artist Yoshitou Takeda >1935~2016
Born in Otaru
City, Hokkaido, he grew up as a boy in the Imperial Empire.The Pacific War
broke out when he was in the first grade of his elementary school, and he was
defeated in the fourth grade.
He studied
sociology at Waseda University and worked as a reporter for Nihon Keizai
Shimbun for 10 years. He later moved to TV Tokyo. He began covering the
security struggle in 1960 and witnessed the turbulent latter half of the Showa
He has spent 36
years as a journalist, including overseas reporting, pursuing war and the
nation, covering the U.S. Marine Corps and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces.
Before he turned
60, he decided to become an iron modeling artist.
When he saw
signs of a country going to war, he decided to change his theme. He has been
creating ``Messages from the Dead in War'' for 15 years since then.
From the time he
began creating this series of works, Mr. Takeda generated production costs by
doing transportation work until noon, and spent the afternoon in the
He produced art
every day until his death in 2016 at the age of 80, leaving behind a series of 30
鉄の造形作家 武田美通 「戦死者からのメッセージ」
Iron modeling artist Yoshitou Takeda
Messge from the fallen
Japan 2024.4.25
鉄の造形作家 武田美通 全30作品展