Open space in front of gwanghwamun of Seoul. 2016.4.20
Meeting to appeal for support in the life of the person with the obstacle.
セウォル号沈没事故は2014年4月15日に仁川(インチョン) 沿岸旅客ターミナルから出発し、済州島(チェジュド) に向かっていた旅客船セウォル号(清海鎮(チョンヘジン)海運所属) が、4月16日に全羅南道(チョルラナムド) 珍島郡(チョドグン) 屏風島(ピョンプンド) 付近の海上で沈没し、数百人の乗客が死亡した大惨事だ。韓国ではセウォル号沈没事故の2周忌を迎え、全国でセウォル号沈没事故の犠牲者を哀悼する行事が開かれた。
It sails from the Inchon coast traveler terminal on April 15, 2014 , and passenger boat SEWOL of the Ltd position sinks the Chonghaejin Marine Co which left for Jeju Island on the sea of the neighborhood of Jeollanam-do Jindo-gun P'yongp'ungdo on April 16 , and, with the SEWOL sinking accident , several hundred passengers are the catastrophes that died .
I reached two laps of mourning of the SEWOL sinking accident in Korea , and an event to perform condolence of the victim of the SEWOL sinking accident in the whole country was opened .
A protest rally to CBS over the issue of donation corruption scandal of the executive of the Korean Christianity Total alliance society.
The person with the obstacle carried on a wheelchair went up on the dais and appealed “to want you to support it more to improve our life ”.
In the sejongno-dong “gwanghwamun open space that led from front gate gwanghwamun of gyeongbokgung which could be called the core of Seoul to the city hall area , " the protest activity of various people was developed .
Exhibition of condolence and the protest to a large-scale passenger boat SEWOL sinking accident.
Protest rally to CBS broadcast of the United States.