Vietnam  July, 1995.7.512


ベトナム縦断紀行 199575日〜12

<クチの解放戦線、地下基地跡  Cuchi >

ベトナム縦断紀行 199575日〜12


ホーチミン市(旧サイゴン)は、社会主義国だが、長い間フランス・アメリカの影響で欧米化されていた。ベトナム戦争当時のままの建物、旧南ベトナム大統領官邸・ホテル等、映像で見慣れた風景はそこにあった。作家で、べ平連代表の小田 実氏が、実況した場所も、すぐわかるほど20年経っても変わっていなかった。そして、ホーチミン市は自由主義国と変わらない街の雰囲気があり、派手な看板とホテルもマーケットも露店も活気で溢れていた。









長い間フランス領だったので、年配者はフランス語を話せる人が多いのも頷ける。また、街のあちこちで見かける細長いフランスパンが売られているのも思い出した。(これが実に美味しい)=何故ベトナムにフランスパン? これも一気に解決した。 

I went to Vietnam where Vietnam War greeted the 20th year after the end.

Capital Ho Chi Minh City of socialism country Vietnam (former Saigon) was westernized under French and American influence for a long time. And the building with Vietnam War those days when I got used by television on, the former South Vietnam presidential mansion / the hotel were able to still watch a figure as is.  

I was not strange even if I passed in 20 so as to know the place that Makoto Oda of the writer did the real condition of from the spot immediately. And showy reputation and the hotel and the market and the street vender were filled with Ho Chi Minh City for vigor.

A then state still just stays in the basement base that saved "South Vietnam frente" built in the mouth town which there is by bus from Ho Chi Minh City to 50 minutes, and there is a visit. The tunnel cannot carry unless I stoop down narrowly low. And it connects each township (a command module / a strategy meeting room / a bedroom / a kitchen / a consulting room). It will be that the United States Armed Forces had trouble with a guerilla war they make a strategy in this hole, and to set attack.

Nothing remains of the US base of Da-Nang, and the base trace becomes Saraji, and there is not the feature, too. And Da-Nang was rebeared as a resort of the bank of a quiet river.

There was the temple where a scar of the war was left, and site of a hard-fought battle Hue was the place where a then state reached, but the flower of the lotus bloomed in the pond of a restored temple and regained peace.

Go to the north in National highway No. 1, and, ahead of 17 degrees line, it is hard at the Hai-Van mountain pass on the way leaving for Hanoi; rise, and there are many curves at an incline. The bus which I got on cut an air conditioner, and it was a run that it opened a window.

Vietnam took the inn at a MYLAN Hotel said to that the north and south were capital Hanoi of North Vietnam before it was unified, and many journalists stayed and did it with a foothold of the coverage.

As for 40 degrees, there is temperature, and the sun is directly overhead, and one's shadow is right below in the daytime. Because it could hardly feel going out, it was an action from the evening.

A dating couple and a tourist, families with children enjoyed enjoying the cool of the evening in the ridge of the Lake Hoan-Kiem. The camera with many women has good Pentax SP which is the same as me, and a young photographer of the tourist partner is light, and image is good. Is this camera major here?

While I walked the town, I have noticed it. Hanoi has extremely few signboards of the commercial.

In addition, the store and the market and the government management department store have too few articles. I am poor, and there is a feeling of achromatic color in the color the whole town. Hanoi was the town where the hue of the socialism country strongly appeared.

As the south moved to the north to Thailand food soon, the Vietnamese meal came to be correct in Japanese taste, and there was not the sense of incongruity to a meal in Hanoi.

A sentry protects the Ho Chi Minh shrine in the grave where a corpse of Ho Chi Minh is stored by a method same as Lenin of the Soviet Union forever for 24 hours.

In addition, this Lenin image which was not seen when it was now near was in good health. At last, here, I was able to realize that Vietnam was a socialism country.

I was able to enjoy the night of Hanoi by rare water puppet play. And Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) may be the result that it was a capital of North Vietnam to be totally different in gaudiness.

Went to this coverage, Vietnam, and was reminded of it by you; was important. It thought whether it was the most important thing to have won for war with U.S. forces (South Vietnam force) for the Vietnamese by my recognition.

However, the most important fight was the Indo-China War in 1954 that is a fight with France and broke a French military with overwhelming war potential by the battle of Dien Bien Phu of the fierce battle for a Vietnamese, and what I observed the war museum of Hanoi and understood was the independence war that gained independence from France

The fight with U.S.A. was a simple civil war, and the exhibit spaces at the museum, the weight of contents were totally different, too.

A movie is "the Apocalypse of the hell", and there is French talking Sheen. I remembered that Vietnam was ruled as a French possession by France.

It can nod for a long time that there are many people who can speak French in the elderly Vietnamese because it was a French possession. In addition, I remembered that slim French bread to see in many places of the town was sold. This is really delicious. Why is there French bread in Vietnam?  This doubt was settled at a stretch, too.






クチのパンフレットから The document album of cuchi 1960〜1975> 









    最初に進軍した戦車             旧南ベトナム大統領府(トング・ニャット宮殿)           屋上に用意された逃走用ヘリ
 ホーチミンの胸像               大統領府の正面から戦車が進軍した                玄関正面のエントランス


<ホイアン 日本人町>

<フエ グエン王朝宮殿 >








<ハノイ> ホーチミン廟

       一柱寺                            文廟


