nature which seemed to come back to the wilderness where does not have the hand
of the person opens in front when I pass through the place that was a city area
innumerable black bags which I filled with radioactive pollutants here and
there were put in the roadside of National highway No. 6 .
It is not only it , and the garden of the private house , the parking lot
of the home center are easy , and they are put under the tree in full glory
of cherry tree everywhere. And the decontamination work still continues
I go north at National haightway No6.
the Sendai nuclear power generation of Kyushu operates it again though the
national policy " to build the nuclear power plant " in small Japan
is proved by this accident when it was a mistake , and there was an earthquake
with a seismic intensity of 7 in Kumamoto , the country does not stop nuclear
power generation . However, the government will be called it; saying “was unexpected”
自治体は成り立たず、近隣の大きな自治体に吸収合併され、行き場のない被災弱者・高齢者のみがコンパクトタウンで生活するようになりそうである。 変な言い方だが、帰って来ないほうが国にとっては都合がいいのかもしれない、膨大な量の放射性汚染物の置き場の確保や除染しきれない山林、手の付けられない原子力発電の燃料、増え続ける汚染水の置き場等、住民が住んでないほうが好都合なのである。
The local government is not managed , and it is merged by the big local government of the neighborhood , and only the damaged weak , elderly person without the place to go seems to come to live a life in a compact city .
people and the household where the child is already settle in other areas and
begin life while I stand from a nuclear plant accident more than five years .
, as for the inhabitants , the nuclear plant accident cannot come back even to
this land where the way of the decommissioning that it is not converged is
uncertain , town which evacuates again , and was removed forever , too and does
not come back .
富岡町街・震災遺構の双葉署パトカー(右上) JR富岡駅跡(下)
畑の除染作業中、建物の屋上で除染中(右上) いずれも浪江町苅野地区。
nation makes sure of the present conditions of the Fukushima Nuclear Power
Plant well and should declare your intentions. Land, the house which lived
cannot be sent in unreasonable form forcibly. However,
the nuclear plant accident can happen by nuclear power generation of any place