東日本大震災 2年を経過して 気仙沼市 2013.5
2years later, Kesennuma City 2013.5
気仙沼駅 Kesennuma Station 5 years later, Kesennuma City 2016.5.
<気仙沼市大谷海岸駅跡=10mの防潮堤> May 2016
気仙沼大谷海岸は綺麗な砂浜のある海水浴場である。海岸沿いにあったJR大谷海岸駅はホームを残し跡形もない。そして、さびた線路が廃線を物語る。隣接する道の駅の国道沿いには、JRバス(BRT)の大谷海岸駅が出来ていた。 毎年、海水浴場で賑わう海岸線には長さ1㎞高さ10mの防潮堤が造られようとしていた。
<Ohya Coast Station trace of the Kesennuma-city&Seawall of 10m>
Kesennuma-city Ohya Coast is a beach with the beautiful sandy beach.
In JR-Ohya Coast Station along the shore, nothing remains of the station building only at a home.And a rusted track shows an abolished line. Along the national highway of the adjacent“roadside station ", I had
Ohya Coast Station of the JR bus.A seawall of 1km in length 10m in height
was going to be prepared into the shoreline which did well at a beach
<There is not the figure of fishing boat 18th Kyotoku-maru of the Kashiorikarakuwa district of the Kesennuma-city>
The convenience store is built newly, too, and, during opening of a store preparations, the revival construction advances as if nothing happened surely.
2 years and 5 years have passes since the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Japan 2013.5&2016.5