General summary
Great East Japan Earthquake
岩手県陸前高田市 2022.10.30 Rikuzentakata City, Iwate Prefecture October 30, 2022
海岸は高い防潮堤で覆われ海を見ることができない。そばにあるユースホステルだった建物の無残な姿が津波の恐ろしさを伝えている。 街は、かさ上げ台地を造成中、かつての街並みの面影はない。整地され、ご遺体が見つかった場所を記した杭も分からない。高田松原の道の駅はどうなるのか…。一本松が寂しげに立っていた。(2016.5記)
<Rikuzentakata City and Miracle Pine Tree>
A single pine tree that miraculously survived in Takata Matsubara, which was destroyed by the tsunami. A monument that faithfully reproduces the pine tree that withered (it died in May 2012) due to the efforts of citizens to preserve it, is built in its original location.
The coast is covered with high seawalls and the sea cannot be seen. The tragic figure of the building that was a youth hostel nearby conveys the horror of the tsunami. A raised plateau is being built in the city, and there is no remnant of the old townscape. The ground had been leveled, and the stake marking where the body was found was lost. What will happen to the roadside station in Takata Matsubara? A lone pine stood lonely. (2016.5)
Rikuzentakata City's miraculous lone pine towers as a symbolic symbol of the Takata Matsubara Tsunami Reconstruction Memorial Park.
The youth hostel next to where I stayed in July 1972 conveyed the terror of the tsunami with its tragic figure, and the place where many bodies were found became a memorial square with grass.
The newly created tsunami lore museum, the Great East Japan Earthquake Tsunami Lore Museum Iwate TSUNAMI Memorial, was built as a national memorial and prayer facility.
The city of Rikuzentakata was built as a new town on land raised by a huge
conveyor belt. Amidst the weeds growing on the former land, the remains
of the earthquake disaster "Yonezawa Shoten" was standing alone.
The city has been rebuilt, but the coast and pine groves cannot be seen from the road, so you have to climb a 15m high seawall to see the sea.
いわてTSUNAMIメモリアル 津波復興祈念公園 Iwate TSUNAMI Memorial,
15mの防潮堤 15m seawall
Reconstruction remains "Rainbow bridge (belt conveyor)" foundation foundation
震災遺構の「米沢商店」Earthquake remains "Yonezawa Shoten"
震災遺構「気仙中学校」Earthquake remains "Kesen Junior High School"
The disaster relics show the importance of disaster prevention education, as no one was killed during the earthquake thanks to daily disaster prevention drills.
Earthquake remains "Former Roadside Station Takata Matsubara" Tapic 45
※陸前高田市震災遺構 *Rikuzentakata City Earthquake Remains
東日本大震災 総括 2011年3月11日から11年7か月
11 years and 7 manths from March 11,2011