General summary
Great East Japan Earthquake
東日本大震災 総括 2011年3月11日から11年7か月
11 years and 7 manths from March 11,2011
岩手県山田町 2022.10.30 Yamada Town, Iwate Prefecture 2022.10.30
国道45号線を挟み、東西それぞれ100mの所にある山田漁港と陸中山田駅、いずれも津波の爪痕は痛々しい。被災地はどこでも同じように、このあたりも一面、壊れたコンクリートの建物、 鉄筋がむき出しのままになっている建物が3年を過ぎても当時のままだ。
Rikuchu Yamada Station
Yamada Fishing Port and Rikuchu Yamada Station, which are located 100 meters east and west across National Route 45, are both painfully scarred by the tsunami. In this area, too, there are broken concrete buildings and buildings with exposed reinforcing bars that have remained the same even after three years have passed.
JR Rikuchu Yamada Station has become even more obscure than it was a year ago. There is no trace of the platform or the tracks. The bus stop has also moved, and only the round marks of the roundabout in front of the station remain.
The current Rikuchu Yamada Station has been reborn as a modern station building in the shape of a Dutch windmill, but there are no people.