名取市 NATORI            2022.10.27

宮城県名取市 Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture October 27, 2022

「慰霊碑=名取市震災メモリアル公園」"Cenotaph = Natori City Earthquake Memorial Park"
 ~亡き人を悼み故郷を想う 故郷を愛する御霊よ 安らかに~

~Mourn the dead and think of your hometown Rest in peace~
This cenotaph represents the image of the victims of the earthquake ascending to heaven.

Expressing the feeling of renewing the determination for reconstruction, it expresses the appearance of the "tower of seedlings" sprouting from the "cenotaph of seeds" growing upwards. And this memorial monument is 8.4m, the same as the height of the tsunami that surged.
A total of 960 names of Natori citizens and those who died in the city are engraved on the name board.

<名取市東日本大震災慰霊碑>  Natori City Great East Japan Earthquake Memorial Monument



"Natori City Earthquake Reconstruction Tradition Center ~ Yuriage Earthquake Disaster and Reconstruction ~"

Yuriage, which had prospered as a port town since before the Edo period, and Shimomasuda, which had been an agricultural area, were instantly wiped out by the tsunami.
In order to bring back the bustle of this area to its former glory, a new town will be created locally based on the concept of multi-layered defense, and the progress of reconstruction moving forward towards the future is on display.
Passing on the memories and lessons of the earthquake to the future, many citizens believed that ``the geographic location of Natori will not cause a tsunami.'' However, an unprecedented tsunami took the precious lives of 923 people in the city.
"I don't want anyone to feel the same sadness that we do."
With that in mind, we continue to pass on the memories and lessons of the Great East Japan Earthquake to the world and future generations.

「名取市震災復興伝承館」  Natori City Earthquake Reconstruction Tradition Center



<閖上地区の防潮堤> Seawall in Yuriage district





 かつて約5000人が住んでいた街は更地になり、閖上中学校では14名の生徒が津波の犠牲となった。 震災から1年経った2012年3月11日に閖上中学校遺族会は閖上中学校敷地内に慰霊碑を建立した。しかし、慰霊碑の周りは水が出るところもなく、献花や千羽鶴も野ざらしの状態であった。2012年4月22日、慰霊碑近くの更地にプレハブの「閖上の記憶」を建てました。

"Memory of Yuriage"
The memory of Yuriage is the "Tsunami Reconstruction Memorial Museum", which was built at the entrance of the former Yuriage Junior High School on April 22, 2012, the year after the 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake.
The Yuriage district of Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture was devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011.
The town, which once housed about 5,000 people, has been turned into a vacant lot, and 14 students at Yuriage Junior High School were killed in the tsunami. On March 11, 2012, one year after the earthquake, the Yuriage Junior High School Bereaved Family Association erected a memorial monument on the grounds of Yuriage Junior High School.


慰霊の社務所「閖上の記憶」 宮城県名取市閖上地区(2014年6月記)
 5000人以上が住んでいた名取市閖上地区は、東日本大震災の津波によって、街は壊滅的な被害を受け、更地状態になった。 この地域の閖上中学校では14人の生徒が津波の犠牲になり、1年後の2012年3月11日に閖上中学校遺族会は中学校の敷地内に、慰霊碑を建立した。


In this area, construction work is progressing little by little under the plan of building houses on the raised land.
A volunteer of this ``Yuriage Memory'' said, ``The more the construction progresses, the more the memory of Yuriage fades, and this place will have to be moved. I want to preserve what the town looked like at that time in a form.” “There are pictures taken from the sky on Google Maps, but….The photos of each house are gone, and what happened around the house depends on the person's memory. is.
While listening to such stories, I realized that I had already lost track of the town where I was born. I guess it's my fate to live in the city.



「閖上中学校遺族会 慰霊碑」"Yuriage Junior High School Bereaved Family Association Cenotaph"

 震災から何年経っても子どもたちが生きた証が残り、学校に通う子どもたちやそこに訪れる方たちに命の大切さと震災の記憶を伝え続ける。学校隣接地スペースのため、いつでも誰でもフリーで訪れることができる。慰霊碑なので施設ではないが、「津波復興祈念資料館 閖上の記憶」の震災学習プログラムを実施する場合は案内人が慰霊碑の場所へ来館者を案内し、説明をしている。

A memorial monument inscribed with the names of 14 students from Yuriage Junior High School in Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture who died in the Great East Japan Earthquake.

After being built on March 11, 2012 at the former Yuriage Junior High School, it was relocated to the Yuriage Plaza, adjacent to Yuriage Junior High School, which opened in April 2018 as the town changed.
Even after many years have passed since the earthquake, the children's living proof remains, and we will continue to convey the importance of life and the memory of the earthquake to the children who go to school and the people who visit there.
Because it is a space adjacent to the school, anyone can visit for free at any time. Since it is a cenotaph, it is not a facility, but when conducting an earthquake disaster learning program at the ``Tsunami Reconstruction Memorial Museum Yuriage Memories,'' a guide guides visitors to the location of the cenotaph and provides explanations.




General summary
Great East Japan Earthquake




東日本大震災 総括 2011年3月11日から11年7か月

11 years and 7 manths from March 11,2011