General summary
Great East Japan Earthquake
宮城県山元町 Yamamoto Town, Miyagi Prefecture October 27, 2022
Yamamoto Town Earthquake Remains "Nakahama Elementary School"
90 people who evacuated to the roof of an elementary school before the tsunami caused by the March 11, 2011 earthquake, teachers, and guardians spent the night in the attic and were rescued the next day. I think many people have seen this scene on TV. The school building on the 1st and 2nd floors was completely destroyed except for the window frames. The only thing that was in almost perfect condition was the music room, a closed classroom with no windows for soundproofing.
A former school principal said, "Just when I thought the black water was slowly overflowing over the embankment, the next moment the tsunami rushed in with tremendous force."
This was the same story I heard from a resident of Unosumai, Ishinomaki City. This is exactly the terror of a tsunami.
Nakahama Elementary School was merged with Sakamoto Elementary School inland and closed in 2013, but Yamamoto Town decided to preserve and utilize the only damaged building remaining in southern Miyagi Prefecture. It has been maintained while leaving as many traces of the tsunami as possible, and is open to the public as an earthquake disaster remnant that conveys the importance of preparing for disasters without fading the lessons of the disaster.
Yamamoto-cho Great East Japan Earthquake Memorial Monument "Tower of the Earth"
The tsunami flooded Yamamoto Town, the southernmost coastal area of Miyagi Prefecture, with 37.2% of the town's total area flooded, and 637 precious lives were lost, including 17 undiscovered deaths and 20 earthquake-related deaths. was broken
On the site of the former JR Yamashita Station in the hanakama area, the Great East Japan Earthquake Memorial Monument "Tower of Earth" was erected to commemorate the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake and to convey the memory of the disaster to future generations. there is "Tower of the Earth" is a memorial monument with the image of "memorial", "recovery", "memory", and "wish" growing from the ground like a bamboo rhizome.
The height of the tower is 3.11m, which represents the day of the earthquake. At 2:46 p.m. on March 11 every year, the shadow of the Tower of the Earth overlaps with the "crystal" embedded in the inscription plate, passing on the memory of the disaster.
※山元町 町役場ホームページより
東日本大震災 総括 2011年3月11日から11年7か月
11 years and 7 manths from March 11,2011