記念碑には、「1944年7月20日、ドイツのためにここに死す」と記され、ルートビッヒ・ベック上級大将、フリードリヒ・オルブリヒト歩兵大将、クラウス・フォン・シュタウフェンベルク大佐、アルブレヒト・クヴィルンハイム大佐、ヴェルナー・フォン・ヘフテン中将 の5人の名前がある。
The German Ministry of Defense is now in this
building. Some of them are the German Resistance Memorial. This is a memorial hall where a lot of materials of the people who were
sacrificed by the anti-Nazi and the resistance movement are put here.
In the courtyard, there is a statue of a young man
standing naked with his hands tied. A statue commemorating The Stauffenberg and
others, the central figures of Hitler's assassination plot, has a memorial and
a wreath of remembrance on the wall of the courtyard honoring the five heroes
who were shot dead there in the assassination of Hitler. (The assassination
plan of the movie "Valkyrie" starring Tom Cruise)
The monument says, "I die here for Germany on
July 20, 1944," said Lt. President Ludwig Beck, General Friedrich
Olbricht, Colonel Klaus von Stauffenberg, Colonel Albrecht Kwirnheim, There are
five names of Lieutenant General Werner von Heften.
There was also an introduction to various people who had campaigned against
the Hitler Nazi regime at the Resistance Memorial.
Georg Jurzer, a furniture maker who planted a time
bomb in Munich's Beer Hall on November 8, 1939
There is also a record of the "White Rose
Resistance Movement", a Nazi resistance movement by students mainly from
Scholl's brother and sister in Munich
映画『白バラの祈り ゾフィー・ショル、最期の日々』
Movie 「White
Rose Prayer, Sophie Scholl, Last Days」
銃殺された場所 英雄を称える記念碑と追悼の花輪
ここが入口です 階段には犠牲者の顔写真が貼ってある。
沢山の人がヒトラー政権に抵抗した。 白バラ運動のショル兄妹(左・中央)
Gedenkstätte Deutscher
Widerstand(旧ドイツ陸軍総司令部 Oberkommando des Heeres)
Memorial of German Resistance
戦跡top berlin wall top