旧詫間海軍航空隊跡 香川県三豊市詫間町詫間(香田)

 主力機種は水上偵察機、飛行艇で、二式大艇(川西 H8K 二式飛行艇)は空の戦艦とも呼ばれ、当時の世界最高峰を誇っていた。制作した川西飛行機の技術は、現在、新明和工業(株)に引き継がれ海上自衛隊の救難飛行艇US-2 として活躍している。

The "Takuma Naval Air Corps Memorial" has been established in a pocket park on a hill overlooking the sea in Koda, Takuma-cho, and an air raid shelter remains across the road.
The Takuma Naval Air Corps was established on June 1, 1943. Initially, it provided practical seaplane training, but later became a major flying boat base in preparation for the Battle of Okinawa. In April 1945, kamikaze pilots took off from this base for the first time. By the end of the war in August, 25 aircraft and 57 precious lives had been lost.
Their main models were seaplane reconnaissance planes and flying boats, and the H8K (Kawanishi H8K H8K) was also known as the Battleship of the Sky and was the best in the world at the time. The technology of Kawanishi Aircraft, which produced them, is currently carried on by ShinMaywa Industries Co., Ltd. and is used as the US-2 rescue flying boat of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force.

Takuma No. 31, which was left behind at Takuma Naval Air Base, was taken over by the United States and put on display at Norfolk Naval Air Base, and in 1980 at the Museum of Ship Science in Tokyo. Since 2004 it has been on outdoor display at the Kanoya Maritime Base Museum of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force in Kagoshima Prefecture.
The site is currently used by Kagawa National College of Technology, Takuma Campus (formerly Takuma Denpa) and local companies, but the remains of the seaplane runway can still be seen.

詫間海軍航空隊記念碑/三豊市 (mitoyo.lg.jp) 

海上自衛隊の救難飛行艇US-2 〜引き継がれてきた技術と将来展望〜 | 海洋安全保障情報特報 | 笹川平和財団| 海洋情報 FROM THE OCEANS (spf.org)  https://www.spf.org/oceans/analysis_ja02/b131111.html




Former Takuma Naval Air Corps Site, Takuma


I visit on May 13, 2024.

Takuma-cho, Mitoyo City, Kagawa Prefecture