陸前高田市 「黄色いハンカチ」 南三陸町「キリコ」
報道による、復興予算の目的外使用が続々と出てくる中、役所の知恵の無さと、予算消化だけの、お座なり政策!それを許したのは誰なのか?私たち!? 私たちは十分に見極めなければならない。そして、現地で今も、苦しんでいる人たちのことを、決して忘れないで欲しい。
I went around the stricken area of the East Japan great earthquake
disaster of the coastal area of Miyagi-Iwate-Aomori for from 6 to 10 on May in
2013and put a state of the revival of the northeastern stricken area two years
two months after the earthquake disaster in the photograph.
A road and the port revived locally ,but the city area simply removed
debris , and the plateau where only the base of the building was left spread
out .
Suffering inhabitants cannot come back to the original place, and there
are plans to move “the entire plateau that did height of soil "or the
villages preparing land newly to the hill, but is full of difficulty.
A large number of city officials are sacrificed, and the number of staff
slacks the towns where a city hall was carried away to , and a family register
, the resident's card original is carried away , and the revival is far.
And there is difference of temperature in the consciousness of people
too much in the local district where I suffered from, the district that are not
The plain where there is no there opens when I go down below from the
hill living a normal life.
The scene which nobody knew got into eyes so as to be terrible.
As for the victim, a family and the house and the property and the
memento lose all.
People whom I did not suffer from almost forget it, but want to
almost advance and still just to know the thing that there is not locally!
We must as certain it
enough while purpose diplomatic delegation use of the revival bud get by the
news comes out one after another who it is that permitted lack of the wisdom of
the city hall and a platitude policy only for budget digestion .
And still never forget suffering people locally.
disaster remains of an ancient structure>
The yes and no is
divided over the preservation of a damaged building leaving the scratch of the
炎上した門脇小学校 (宮城県石巻市)
Kadowaki City Elementary
School burnt down. (Ishinomaki-city, Miyagi)
prevention measures Government building (Minamisanriku-cho, Miyagi)
Fishing boat the
18th kyotokumaru (Kesennuma-city,
district disaster prevention center (Kamaishi-city, Iwate)
Town office
Government building (Otsuchi-cho, Iwate)
Signboard of" Chirico” (Minamisanriku-cho, Miyagi)
There was the
whiteboard of the beautiful design and message in the ruins of the market which
went to ruin .
A Shinto shrine clips out the form of the mascot on white paper in
the Tohoku district, Japan, and there are the manners and customs of New Year
holidays to grant it to a parishioner.
In Minamisanriku-cho, this paper-cutting was called"
Chirico "and I prayed for a big catch and my wife security and have been decorated
in a household Shinto altar.
This" Chirico "was built with a wish of the revival not to forget
a lost market.
In" hope eternity” Yellow handkerchief (Rikuzentakata-shi, Iwate)
The home of Keisuke Sugano who lived near Suwa-jinja Shrine behind
the town was cruised in by a tsunami.
I remembered" a yellow handkerchief of the happiness
"and prayed “a yellow handkerchief of the hope "which bound
inhabitants and a supporter together for a movie when I wanted to do it and
built it in the home ruins as the mark that had nothing
Yoji Yamada of the movie director who heard this story visited the
home trace of Sugano and gave it the pillar of the log and a yellow handkerchief.
The written board is comprised on the log" hope forever”
Bell of the revival (Otsuchi-cho, Iwate)
In “the Cogan temple of Otsuchi-cho , "the main hall of a
Buddhist temple was strolled around by a tsunami , and the grandchild of the chief priest and the chief priest was
missing .
The bell of the temple had melted by the fire after the tsunami,
but a new bell revived by contribution from the whole country.
A bell of the revival resounds in the town.
震災3年目 2014.6.24〜28
「たろう観光ホテル」岩手県宮古市田老地区 2014.6.24撮影
"TARO tourist
hotel " Miyako-city, Iwate Taro
米空母 ロナルド・レーガン「トモダチ作戦」放射能の影