

<"One miraculous pine” of the Rikuzentakada-city>

 One pine which was saved miraculously in“Takada-pine wood " destroyed by a tsunami.
The monument which reproduced the pine which has died faithfully is built in the place of the original pine without having the preservation by the civic strenuous effort realized.

The shore is covered in a high seawall and cannot see the sea.And the horrible figure of the building which was the youth hostel near the pine conveys the terror of the tsunami.

The cityscape of the Rikuzentakada-city is developing land for a padding plateau, and there is not the feature of the former cityscape.
It is prepared the land for the construction of a house, and I cannot see the stake which I wrote down the place where a corpse was found in. 
What happens to “the Takada pine wood roadside station "along the national highway?  One pine stood lonelily.







<The old government office Government building of the Ohtsuchi-town and “a telephone of the wind”>

The Ohtsuchi-town office Government building that lost a staff of town office nearly the half in a tsunami was decided by storing previous half of the building as earthquake disaster remains of an ancient structure.
The circumference of the town office Government building is preserved a padding plateau in during creation temporarily.
I went for “a telephone of the wind” in the hill of Namiita Coast Station televised with NHK TV.
The white telephone booth was wrapped in a flower bed on the hill (private land) overlooking the sea.
There is one black call that the line does not lead to in the telephone booth , and many people visit it. And the people talk freely.This is because “it talks with somebody who cannot meet anymore ".There was the notebook to write down in the box.

A one of the people telephone while I remember a feature who cannot talk even if I want to talk. It was the place where the gentleness of the person who installed it came to.  Thank you.

大槌町役場 被災した旧庁舎(左下)と新庁舎(右下)






米空母 ロナルド・レーガン「トモダチ作戦」放射能の影







Ishinomaki-City, Onagawa town 
 =Indication of 1.95m of the Onagawa community medical care center.

 Because it was in the swale among mountains from the shore to the inland in the Onagawa town, the tsunami rose to the height of 20 meters as if crawling on the face of the mountain and was the scale of the tsunami which was huge even if I compared it with other stricken areas.
On the pillar of the Onagawa community medical care center in the hill , it is chopped note しが indicating 1.95m from the first-floor floor.

The city area was strolled around completely, and The 77 Bank, Ltd. Onagawa Branch collapsed completely, too, and the station building were destroyed, too. A dead person, the missing person counts 827.
And there is the monument of 12 victim bank clerks on the hill close to the medical center.

It was 55.9% of Onagawa towns that became the highest death rate by the Great East Japan Earthquake when I calculated with death rate = (the number of the people of unknown death toll + ) / (the number of number of the people + refugees of unknown death toll + ) *100 .

Five years passed , and padding of the land of the central city area that unfolded around Onagawa Station , the residential land development of the hill were pushed forward at a fast pace by an earthquake disaster. 
The station building moved a little from the former place, and, as for Ishinomaki Line which assumed Onagawa station an east terminal, the whole line was inaugurated since damage after an interval of four years on March 21, 2015.

"Town SEPAL-PIER ONAGAWA of the park with an ocean view” is maintained towards the sea, and revival advances from the station. And I see Onagawa community medical care center when I look up at the hill from port of Onagawa.

It was hard to believe that a tsunami came to the top over there, but I only imagined those days, and a body shook.

<石巻市雄勝町 巨大な防潮堤建設中>


Ishinomaki-City, Ogatsu town  = The city is building the huge seawall.

A plan to build the huge seawall of 9.7m in height 3.5km in length to aim at the completion in this town known for the production of inkstones and the culture of scallops in the spring of 2018 is in progress. The eating with the Miyagi-prefecture was different from 4m in height to insist on of Ishinomaki-City , but seemed to but drink the suggestion of the Miyagi-prefecture to delay revival of the citizen-based town planning when a discussion was prolonged . 
It is said that I get off with original 4m if I move a township and a road to the hill .  What will the seawall destroying scenery protect?
 I am appointed, and , in the disaster area of the tsunami , the person cannot live in the disaster danger zone .
However, only 80 households of approximately 13% before the earthquake disaster seem to return even if a group move district is completed on the hill.The worry of inhabitants increases “will a tourist come to the Ogatsu town where the sea and the land were separated?".


 気仙沼大谷海岸は綺麗な砂浜のある海水浴場である。海岸沿いにあったJR大谷海岸駅はホームを残し跡形もない。そして、さびた線路が廃線を物語る。隣接する道の駅の国道沿いには、JRバス(BRT)の大谷海岸駅が出来ていた。 毎年、海水浴場で賑わう海岸線には長さ1㎞高さ10mの防潮堤が造られようとしていた。

<Ohya Coast Station trace of the Kesennuma-citySeawall of 10m

Kesennuma-city Ohya Coast is a beach with the beautiful sandy beach.
In JR-Ohya Coast Station along the shore, nothing remains of the station building only at a home.And a rusted track shows an abolished line. Along the national highway of the adjacent“roadside station ", I had Ohya Coast Station of the JR bus.A seawall of 1km in length 10m in height was going to be prepared into the shoreline which did well at a beach



Disaster prevention Government building of the South Sanriku-town

Preservation was decided on the town washed away by a tsunami as earthquake disaster remains of an ancient structure the one South Sanriku-town disaster prevention Government building that soared.However, I cannot consider that I do not go to the neighborhood because the disaster prevention Government building cannot look around by the creation construction of the padding plateau from a lower road. The few car navigation system does not know the signboard of Kiriko which there was ever without being helpful where you run either.
The disaster prevention Government building surrounded with a big trapezoid looked small.

東日本大震災から5年目が経過した被災地は、津波の被害から居住区を守るために各地で、巨大な防潮堤を建設中だ。被災2年目までは、津波被害で辺り一面、何もない広大な土地が広がっていたが、3年目ぐらいから復興工事が進み、景色は変わりつつあったが、今回の取材では、台形型をした居住区のかさ上げ台地が、かつてあった街の姿を飲み込み、道路からは周りが見えず、まったく分からなくしてしまっている。さらに、高い防潮堤が海岸線を覆い、景色は一変しそうだ。東北の美しかった海岸線はもう見られない。しかも、かさ上げ台地には、かつての住民の大半は戻らない(戻れない)という。 私は、風景が一変した各地を回り、巨大な防潮堤と台形居住区の味気ない町に住む人のことを考えると、悲しい気持ちになってしまった。
The stricken area where the fifth year passed from the Great East Japan Earthquake is building the huge seawall in each place to protect a township from the damage of the tsunami.From a damage to the second year , in all over the area , open very large land spread out by tsunami damage, but revival construction advanced from the third year, and the scenery was changing.
Of the town which there was once the township of the padding plateau that did a trapezoid type by this coverage prevent you from knowing it at all without disappearing, and a township and the circumference being seen from a road. Furthermore, a high seawall covers the shoreline, and the scenery seems to change completely.  The northeastern beautiful shoreline is not seen anymore.The northeastern beautiful shoreline is not seen anymore.  Besides, on the padding plateau, as for the most of ex- inhabitants, it is said, "I do not come back cannot come back". When I went around the stricken area where scenery changed completely, and I thought about the person who lived in a huge seawall and the town of the trapezoid type, I have felt sad.
※関連記事:米空母 ロナルド・レーガン「トモダチ作戦」放射能の影
US Aircraft Carrier Ronald Reagan "Operation Tomodachi" Shadow of Radioactivity

From the Great East Japan Earthquake after five years.. 



<There is not the figure of fishing boat 18th Kyotoku-maru of the Kashiorikarakuwa district of the Kesennuma-city

 Fishing boat 18th Kyotoku-maru launched along National highway No. 45 close to Kesennuma-city Kashiorikarakuwa Station was dismantled by a tsunami and prepared the land for the construction of a house, and the national highway was maintained, too, and the apartment complex was newly under construction, too.
The convenience store is built newly, too, and, during opening of a store preparations, the revival construction advances as if nothing happened surely.





復興仮設店舗「おがつ 店こ屋街(たなこやがい)」 










A school building of old Ohkawa Elementary School of the Miyagi-prefecture Ishinomaki-city is stored as earthquake disaster remains of an ancient structure.

57 of 126 people who attended replied the Ishinomaki-city old Ookawa Elementary School building where 84 children were sacrificed by the tsunami caused by the earthquake as a result of questionnaire of the inhabitants meeting saying " I leave all it as earthquake disaster remains of an ancient structure ".
It was decided to store the dismantling as earthquake disaster remains of an ancient structure in 37 people.




