General summary
Great East Japan Earthquake
福島県いわき市 Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture October 31, 2022
<湯本温泉 古滝屋「原子力災害考証館furusato」>
東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故では、原発のある福島県大熊町、双葉町だけでなく、広い地域で直接的、間接的に様々な人々が被害を受けた。そうした人たちが何を思い、どの様に行動したかを展示や資料を通して考える拠点として、湯本温泉 古滝屋の当主里見喜生さんが旅館の9階に開館した。
<Furutakiya "Nuclear Disaster Research Museum furusato" at Yumoto Onsen>
In the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, not only the towns of Okuma and Futaba in Fukushima Prefecture, where the nuclear power plants are located, but also a wide range of people were directly or indirectly affected.
Yoshio Satomi, the owner of Yumoto Onsen Furutakiya, has opened a museum on the 9th floor of the inn as a base for thinking about what these people thought and how they acted through exhibits and materials.
The materials mainly consist of the records of the victims, including a collection of poems about the disaster, photographs of farmers suffering from radiation, a radiation dose map of Namie Town, and belongings and photographs of the victims.
東日本大震災 総括 2011年3月11日から11年7か月
11 years and 7 manths from March 11,2011