General summary
Great East Japan Earthquake
福島県相馬市 Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture October 27, 2022
<Soma City Tradition Requiem Memorial Hall>
The Tradition Requiem Memorial Hall will remain for posterity the "original landscape" of Soma City that was lost in the Great East Japan Earthquake, and will serve as a spiritual base for the bereaved families.
It is open as a facility for those who do not know Soma City before the earthquake to know what Soma City used to be like.
In the adjacent Kasaiwa Park, there is a cenotaph inscribed with the names of the victims in the area and the damage situation in the area on the back.
<Haragamaobama Beach/Matsukawaura New Fishing port and thermal power plant
東日本大震災 総括 2011年3月11日から11年7か月
11 years and 7 manths from March 11,2011