General summary
Great East Japan Earthquake


南三陸町 MINAMISANRIKU                               2022.10.29       南三陸町  2013年5月&2016年5月 ※タッチするとサイトに移ります。

宮城県南三陸町   Minamisanriku Town, Miyagi Prefecture October 29, 2022


When I visited in May 2016, I was told, “The Minamisanriku Town Disaster Prevention Office, which stood alone in the wilderness of the town swept away by the tsunami, was decided to be preserved as an earthquake disaster remnant. You can't see it from afar because of the construction work in. You can't see it from the road under the raised plateau, where you can't see the surroundings, unless you go close.
There is no Kiriko signboard, the car navigation is useless, and I don't even know where I'm running. Surrounded by a large trapezoid, the disaster prevention agency building looked small.


And now, Minamisanriku Town is home to the Earthquake Reconstruction Memorial Park, Minamisanriku Sansan Shopping Street, and the Minamisanriku 311 Memorial, a tsunami lore facility that opened on October 1. Infrastructure has been developed, new residential areas have been created on the raised land, and the town is recovering.
The memorable "Former Minamisanriku Town Disaster Prevention Office" stands as a symbol of the tsunami lore of the Earthquake Reconstruction Memorial Park as an earthquake disaster remnant, a silent figure of a bent steel frame that was destroyed by the tsunami.  Some people were saved by holding on to the antenna on the roof, and some were swept away.
I have flashbacks of TV footage from those days.

<南三陸町震災復興祈念公園>Earthquake Reconstruction Memorial Park



The disaster prevention government building was 1.7m above sea level, and was a three-story building with a steel frame standing about 600m from the coast. On October 1, 2005, Shizugawa Town and Utatsu Town merged to form Minamisanriku Town. The disaster prevention office building became one of the administrative buildings of the Minamisanriku town office. Adjacent to the main office of the town hall were the first and second administrative buildings, as well as the disaster prevention office.
The 15.5-meter tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011 (Heisei 23) destroyed the 1st and 2nd Government Buildings. It was destroyed leaving only the floor and roof of the building.
The town of Minamisanriku in Miyagi Prefecture was completely destroyed. 831 people were killed. On that day, Mayor Hitoshi Sato (69), who was in command of the town's disaster prevention office, was swallowed by the tsunami on the roof and nearly died.
And 43 Minamisanriku Town Hall employees were also lost.


<南三陸311メモリアル(隈研吾 設計)&さんさん商店街>

<Minamisanriku 311 Memorial(Designed by Kengo Kum)&Sansan Shopping Street>


The Minamisanriku 311 Memorial is the Minamisanriku Town Great East Japan Earthquake Memorial Museum designed by Kengo Kuma. A facility where people share their experiences of the Great East Japan Earthquake and think about what nature means and what it means to live.



 津波によって市街地のほとんどが壊滅した中、地元 商業者はいち早く「福興市」を開催、復興を目指す町民 の意識高揚に多大な効果をもたらした。その実績を基 に、平成24年2月25日に南三陸さんさん商店街が発足。何度か場所を変え復興公園に隣接する場所に落ち着いた。

While most of the city was destroyed by the tsunami, local merchants were among the first to hold the “Fukko Market,” which had a great effect in raising the awareness of the townspeople who were aiming for reconstruction. Based on these achievements, on February 25, 2012, Minamisanriku Sansan Shopping Street was established.

※南三陸さんさん商店街<4D6963726F736F667420576F7264202D20332093EC8E4F97A482B382F182B382F18FA493588A58> (

震災遺構「ブライダル高野会館」Earthquake remains "Bridal Takano Kaikan"


The Takano Kaikan, a former wedding hall, stands alone in the ruined land. The entrance, which used to be a glamorous facility, has collapsed, and the elevator that overlooks the outside is in a tragic state.
Surrounded by raised ground, the damaged Takano Kaikan was left in a hollow, reminiscent of those times.

志津川中学校からの展望View of the town from Shizugawa Junior High School


The shape of the river and the shape of the land have changed greatly between the scenery two years after the earthquake and the current scenery.





東日本大震災 総括 2011年3月11日から11年7か月

11 years and 7 manths from March 11,2011