General summary
Great East Japan Earthquake
宮城県女川町 Onagawa Town, Miyagi Prefecture October 28, 2022
Since Onagawa-cho is a depression surrounded by mountains from the coast to the inland, the tsunami climbed up to a height of 20 meters as if crawling along the mountain surface, a huge scale compared to other disaster areas.
On the pillars of the Onagawa Regional Medical Center, which is located on a hill, there is a memory inscribed that indicates the height of the tsunami, which is 1.95m from the first floor. The city was completely swept away, the 77 Bank Onagawa branch was completely destroyed (there is a monument to the 12 victims' employees on the hill near the medical center), and the station building was also destroyed.
827 people are dead or missing. When the death rate = (number of deaths + number of unknown persons) / (number of deaths + number of unknown persons + number of evacuees) x 100, Onagawa Town had the highest mortality rate in the Great East Japan Earthquake at 55.9%.
Since the disaster, the town of Onagawa has spent about two years with subsidies from the national and prefectural governments to remove the rubble. The construction of residential land on high ground was advanced at a rapid pace.
The station building also moved slightly from its previous location, and on March 21, 2015, the Ishinomaki Line, which has Onagawa Station as its eastern terminus, reopened for the first time in four years since the disaster.
From the station to the sea, Seapalpia Onagawa, a "park town with a view of the sea", has been developed and reconstruction is progressing.
In addition, the "Old Onagawa Police Box", a relic of the earthquake disaster, conveys the terror of the tsunami. People who enjoy fishing at Onagawa Port and people traveling around Japan in campervans, as far as I can see, Onagawa Town is completely restored.
震災遺構「旧女川交番」Earthquake remains "Old Onagawa police
東日本大震災 総括 2011年3月11日から11年7か月
11 years and 7 manths from March 11,2011