

アイコンFURYUSEI 浮流星
トップ アイコントップページヘもどる

It is a report from the planet with 3rd of the sun system, the earth.





Meitetsu Department Store "Nana-chan" Doll January 7, 2025

Meitetsu Department Store’s symbol “Nana-chan” transforms into a lion dance
Nana-chan, who is 6m 10cm tall and is also known as the face of Meieki, wears a lion dance to say ``Happy New Year''

 May the world have a peaceful and good year!!




8月15日 平和をつなげよう

戦後79年、命の大切さを考える機会に! 子どもたちの描く平和のポスター展」が新宿区役所で開催されていた。「繰り返さない、未来のために」「平和を繋ぐ」「平和のバトン」…29点のポスターは、平和に思いをはせて未来に平和を残していくことが表現されている。


August 15th Let's Connect Peace

79 years after the war, it's a good opportunity to think about the importance of life!
The "Children's Peace Poster Exhibition" was held at Shinjuku Ward Office. ``Don't repeat it, for the future'', ``Connecting Peace'', ``Baton of Peace''...29 posters express thoughts of peace and leaving peace for the future.
This is a work drawn from the pure hearts of children. For a country to acknowledge its past mistakes and teach modern history without hiding it will lead to a peaceful future.
If we continue to create people who just wait for instructions, we will go back to miserable times.
Let's establish a constitutional democracy where people can question things, speak the truth, and where minority opinions are valued (democracy), and where the Constitution keeps the country from running wild.
It's all about education based on social justice!
At Yasukuni Shrine, people prayed with their own thoughts. At the National Stadium, a monument to the "Site of the Send-off of Students to War," where students were mobilized for the war, quietly stands. "Mothra" appears in Shinjuku. Can it protect humanity...?


ウェーブで12月に発売予定の「スコープドッグ1/24」、「装甲騎兵ボトムズ」、これは「ボトムズ」のプラモデルファンにとって見逃せない。東京マルイブースでは、「グロック17 Gen5 MOS」の試射ブースが設置。また、リアルフィギアと呼ばれる可愛い女性のモデルやお城、重機モデル、そして、鉄道模型・ジオラマと大人も子どもに楽しめるホビーショーであった。

※詳しくはドキュメンタリーphoto:hobby_show2023.html へのリンク

61st All Japan Hobby Show September 29-October 1, 2023

Tanks, airplanes, and warships are standard plastic models from Tamiya and Hasegawa.Gundam BANDAI.
At Aoshima's car and motorcycle model booth, there was a modified DeLorean time machine. This is currently a replica that is said to be the closest to the car in the movie and can be driven on public roads!.
What caught my eye were Wave's ``Scope Dog 1/24'' and ``Armored Trooper Votoms,'' scheduled to be released in December.These are must-sees for fans of the ``Votoms'' plastic model.
At the Tokyo Marui booth, a test firing booth for the "Glock 17 Gen5 MOS" was set up. It was also a hobby show that both adults and children could enjoy, with cute female models called real figures, castles, heavy machinery models, and railroad models and dioramas.

4年ぶりの「阿佐ヶ谷七夕祭」   Asagaya Tanabata Festival



When the first Asagaya Tanabata Festival was held in 1954, in addition to traditional Tanabata decorations such as streamers and Kusudama ornaments, the idea was to use wire and paper similar to the Nebuta of Aomori.
It was very well received by the citizens, and from the following year, shop owners taught each other how to make it, competed with each other, and handcrafted and decorated with things related to the store's products and reflecting the social conditions. 
This year was the 67th time, and it was forced to be canceled for 3 years due to the corona disaster, and it was held grandly at the "Asagaya Pearl Center" arcade shopping street in front of JR Asagaya Station for the first time in 4 years.
It is now a traditional culture.

「大江戸よしわら節分お化け」 疫病を蹴散らせ!令和の勇者


 東京の吉原では、「大江戸よしわら節分お化け/異装コンテスト」が吉原神社近くの花園公園で20235日に行われ、今年で10回目、コロナの影響で年ぶりの開催だった。 参加者は15人、それぞれに異色な異装で登場、歌ありコントありダンスありで人々を和ませ、邪気を追い払った。「節分お化け」の由来は、日節分の夜に(立春前夜)の厄祓い(厄除け)として行われる日本の儀式。普段と違う服装で、社寺参拝を行う異装儀式である。

"Oedo Yoshiwara Setsubun Ghost"  Beat the plague! Hero of Reiwa
In Yoshiwara, Tokyo, on February 5, 2023, the "Oedo Yoshiwara Setsubun Ghost/Disguise Contest" was held at Hanazono Park near Yoshiwara Shrine.
This year was the 10th disguise contest, and it was the first time in three years due to the influence of Corona.

15 participants appeared in unique disguise, singing, skits, and dancing to ward off evil spirits from the people.The origin of "Setsubun Obake" is a Japanese ceremony held on the night of Setsubun on February 4 (the night before the start of spring) to exorcise evil spirits.

異装を行うのは、違う年齢や違う性など「普段と違う姿」をすることによって、節分の夜に鬼をやり過ごすためである。 節分は旧暦では年の変わり目である1月の始まりもおおよそこの頃であり、方位神が居場所を変えるなど、古い年から新しい年へと世界の秩序が大きく改組される不安定な時季と信じられた。 この様な時季には現世と異世界を隔てる秩序も流動化し、年神のような福をもたらす存在が異世界からやってくる反面、鬼などの危害をもたらす存在もやってくるとされた。そこで豆まきなどの追儺儀式が行われるが、お化けもまたそうした儀式のひとつである。



 岸田首相は「国民に弔意を強制するものではない」と言うが、市民からは「生活が厳しい中、何故税金を使うのか」「追悼は個人的行為、国家が関与するときには何か狙いがある」と指摘する声。やはり、何故、国葬。何故、税金を使うのか? 反対の声は熱く響き渡った。

 “Don’t use tax money for state funerals!”
On the night of August 31, citizens' groups opposed to the state funeral of former Prime Minister Abe held a protest rally in front of the Diet building in Nagatacho, Tokyo.Approximately 4,000 citizens gathered and raised their own placards, folk songs, and voices such as "Don't spend tax money on state funerals!"

Prime Minister Kishida said, "We are not forcing people to express their condolences."
Citizens pointed out, ``Why do you use tax money when life is difficult?''
After all, why do you use tax money for a state funeral? The voices of opposition resounded passionately.


原爆の図 「第一部幽霊」と「第四部虹」の原寸大複製画が文京シビックセンター(文京区)で展示開催された。(7/26~29)

 原爆の悲惨さを15部作に渡り描いた「原爆の図」は、丸木伊里と丸木俊 夫妻の共同制作により、1950年~1982年までの32年間、描き続けたもの。「原爆の図」は、屏風(180×720cm)に描かれており、原画は埼玉県東松山市の「丸木美術館」で展示されている。
原爆の図 丸木美術館 | Maruki Gallery For The Hiroshima Panels

 当時東京に住んでいた丸木伊里(水墨画家)が原爆投下3日後、故郷広島に行き、焼け野原が広がる光景を目の当たりにし、妻の(油彩画家)も後を追うように1週間後に広島に入り、ふたりで救助活動を手伝った。その時の悲惨な光景を記憶に留める為に、5年後の1950年に『原爆の図 第1部 幽霊』発表され

On August 6, 1945, the first atomic bomb in human history was dropped on Hiroshima, and three days later, on August 9, on Nagasaki.In "Pictures of the Atomic Bomb", Iri Maruki (an ink painter) who was living in Tokyo at the time went to his hometown of Hiroshima three days after the atomic bomb was dropped, and witnessed the sight of the burnt fields.
His wife, Toshi (an oil painter), followed suit and arrived in Hiroshima a week later, and together they helped with the rescue operation. Five years later, in 1950, "Atomic Bomb Part 1: Ghosts" was produced to keep the tragic scene of that time in memory.

Atomic bomb paintings "Part 1 Ghost" and "Part 4 Rainbow" were exhibited at the Bunkyo Civic Center (Bunkyo Ward). (7/26~29)
 "Pictures of the Atomic Bomb", a 15-part series depicting the tragedy of the atomic bombing, was produced jointly by Maruki Iri and Maruki Toshi for 32 years from 1950 to 1982.

The picture of the atomic bombing is drawn on a folding screen (180 x 720 cm), and the original is on display at the Maruki Museum in Higashimatsuyama City, Saitama Prefecture.





"For love, peace and social justice"

On February 24, 2022, Russian troops invaded Ukraine at Putin's order. The Ukrainian people are fiercely resisting the overwhelming military power of the Russian army "to protect freedom and democracy." And it is trying to push the Russian army back to the border with the assistance of liberal countries such as the United States, Britain, Germany, and France.At the entrance of the Ukrainian Embassy in Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, a photo panel shows the tragic cityscape destroyed and the evacuation of people. And the Ukrainian-colored blue and yellow paper cranes are decorated with a wish for peace.

On the other hand, the Russian embassy in Azabudai, Minato-ku, had its gate closed tightly like a fortress on a vast site.




山下ふ頭のガンダム、今の世界をどう見ているのだろう。終わりのない戦いの世界、「武力による戦争の根絶」を掲げ、モビルスーツ「ガンダム」を所有する私設武装組織「ソレスタルビーイング」による全戦争行為への武力介入が始まった…。  私は「機動戦士ガンダム00」のファンである。 緊急:ガンダム出撃せよ!ウクライナを守れ!

Mobile Suit Gundam

A full-scale "moving Gundam" has appeared and exhibited at Yamashita Pier in Yokohama Port since February this year.
The first Gundam that was aired on TV in 1979, a 1/1 Gundam model of a humanoid combat weapon (mobile suit) that humans board, is truly large, and its limbs, torso, and head move, and its appearance is overwhelming
Gundam fans of various ages came to see Mobile Suit Gundam, which has a history of more than 40 years.
How does Gundam at Yamashita Wharf see the world today?

With the world of endless battle, "eradication of war by force", armed intervention in all war acts by the private armed organization "Sorestal Being" that owns "Gundam" has begun. Twice  I am a fan of "Mobile Suit Gundam 00".

新型コロナウィルス モニタリング検査

新型コロナウイルス感染症 モニタリング検査が、新宿西口のイヴェント広場で実施している。

これは、感染再拡大が想定される場所等で集中的・定期的にPCR検査を実施し、感染者を早期に探知することで、感染再拡大の早期防止を図ること。そして、特に人流のある場所・交通結線などで検査を実施し感染の予兆を探知する事を目的としている。検査は唾液を大きめの綿棒を3分間、口の中(舌下等)で染み込ませ、不活化液の入ったチュウブの中に入れて、提出すると、翌日に本人の指定したEメールに「陰性」又は「陽性の疑い」のどちらかで結果が届きます。「陽性の疑い」の場合は、提携医療機関(日暮里医院)又はかかりつけ医院・保健所・東京都発熱相談センターに連絡することになっている。 実施主体:東京都 協力:川崎重工業(株)

A monitoring test for new coronavirus infections is being conducted at the Event Square at the west exit of Shinjuku.
This is to prevent the re-spread of infection at an early stage by conducting intensive and regular PCR tests in places where re-spread of infection is expected and detecting infected persons at an early stage.

The purpose is to detect signs of infection by conducting inspections especially in places with a lot of people and traffic connections. For the test, soak saliva in a large cotton swab for 3 minutes in the mouth (under the tongue, etc.), put it in a tube containing inactivated liquid, and submit it.
The next day, you will receive the result in either "negative" or "suspected positive" in the email specified by the person.


                      青山通り上空 イチョウ並木上空のブルーインパルス 7月23日

 渋谷NHKビル上空の3色スモーク 8月24日

航空自衛隊のアクロバットチームBlue Impulseは、オリンピックとパラリンピックの開会式当日に、東京都内上空を、それぞれ5色、3色のスモークで、五輪の輪やシンボルマークを描いた。

The Japan Air Self-Defense Force's acrobatics team Blue Impulse drew the Olympic rings and symbol marks in the sky of Tokyo on the day of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in five colors and three colors, respectively.
We are exhausted by the corona, and while there were pros and cons for holding the Olympic Games, the pattern drawn in smoke with the roaring sound gave us hope.
 We who are directly below, we who are there, and those who look up at the sky and do not know the flight of Blue Impulse shared the excitement. I felt a sense of solidarity there, and my feelings became radiant. "Blue Impulse! Thank you"



"Gaudi of Mita"

A strange building in Mita, Minato-ku. Keisuke Oka is called "Arimaston Building", a building where almost all the materials are prepared at the home center and he continues to make it by himself, and "Gaudi of Mita" because he does not know when it will be completed. 
According to a TV interview, 15 years have passed since the start of construction, and it is scheduled to be completed in about 3 years.


SNSで話題になったコロナウィルスの為に通常営業ができなくなり、テイクアウトを始めた東京中野のフランス料理店が、61日(月)から営業を開始した。 「助けてください」の悲痛な叫びから「恩返し」そして、「ありがとう」。再開できて良かった。

French restaurant "Neo Bistro MURA" in Nakano

The French restaurant in Nakano, Tokyo, which started taking out because of the corona virus that became a hot topic on SNS, started operations from Monday, June 1st.  From the sad cry of "Please help", "Give back" and "Thank you". It was nice to be able to restart.




Tokyu Toyoko Store was opened in 1934 as Shibuya Station, the first privately owned privately owned terminal department store above Shibuya Station.The cable car connecting the roofs of the former East Building and the West Building was installed during the 1950s.

It has long been a favorite as a landmark in Shibuya, taking advantage of its good location directly connected to a station facing a busy area such as Hachiko Square and a scrambled intersection. 

The closing is due to a redevelopment project around Shibuya Station, and the former site of the demolition will be jointly invested by Tokyu Corporation, East Japan Railway Company and Tokyo Subway
The "Shibuya Scramble Square" Phase II building (central and west buildings) is scheduled to open in 2027.

全日本模型ホビーショー 2019  ALL JAPAN MODEL/HOBBY SHOW 2019



All Japan model hobby show 2019

The 59th All Japan Model Hobby Show, which gathered new products such as plastic models and railroad models, was held from September 27th to 29th at the Tokyo Big Sight Ome Exhibition Building.
 81 companies including Tamiya, Bandai, Hasegawa and other plastic models, railroad model Kato, model tool Wave, and other manufacturers gathered to attract model fans.

2018 トヨタ博物館 クラッシックカー・フェスティバル in神宮外苑

1117日(日)に明治神宮外苑 聖徳記念絵画館前にオーナー自慢の100台のクラッシックカーが集合した。トヨタ博物館からも平成元年生まれの日本の名車とT型フォード、ジャガーEタイプ、ホルヒ853も出展し、クラシックカーパレードや記念撮影が行われた。


2018 Toyota Museum Classic car festival in Jingu Gaien

On Sunday, November 17, 100 features of the owner boast gathered in front of the Meiji Jingu Gaien shotoku Memorial Painting Hall.

The Toyota Museum also exhibited the name car and the T-type Ford, Jaguar E type, and Holch 853 of the Japan born in 1989, and the classic car parade and commemorative photography were performed.

It was blessed with fine weather, and a lot of people gathered and enjoyed the appearance which exhibited and traveling of the famous car of nostalgia, and the appearance to chat with the owner was also seen and it was a peaceful day.

絶景! 生坂村おおこば見晴台 Amazing scenery! Ikusaka-village Ookoba


Amazing scenery! Ikusaka-village Ookoba stand

It is a view from Kyokakura-ooshiro climbing road in the Ikusaka-village of Higashi-Chikuma-gun, Nagano prefecture.
When you climb a steep slope of about 1 km from the mountain climbing point, the Sai River flowing through Ikusakavillage appears to be a U-shaped figure with a picture like a photo.
It is a steep climb, but it is a spectacular sight to see!

「自由の女神」から「自由な女神」へ From "the Statue of Liberty" to "a free goddess"


 その後、中瀬公園には再建されないこととなり、村上愛佳氏(東京芸大大学院生)が引き取り、新たなモニュメントとして制作し、20183月まで上野公園に展示されることになった。 村上さんは、どこにでも行くことの出来る「自由な女神」と名づけ、これから全国に移動し展示される。


From "the Statue of Liberty" to "a free goddess"

"The Statue of Liberty" appeared in Ueno-koen Park of Tokyo.
  Originally it was produced as reputation of the pinball hall of Tagajo-shi, Miyagi, but this goddess image was taken over as a monument of the open space in the Nakase park which saw the sea of Ishinomaki-shi, Miyagi in 2010 after the closing a shop.

I suffered damage for the tsunami and lost the left foot in East Japan great earthquake disaster of 2011, and it was removed in 2014 by a durable drop and was moved to the warehouse of Ishinomaki-shi.

  It will not be rebuilt in Nakase Park, and student Murakami of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music leaves it and produces it as a new monument and will be displayed afterwards in Ueno-koen Park until March, 2018. 

I moved freely and might be titled "a free goddess" afterwards to do display in the whole country.

消えゆく健さんの「駅」 映画「駅STATION」増毛駅 A disappearing KEN " station "

2014年11月に亡くなった俳優、高倉健さんの主演映画「駅 STATION」(1981年)の舞台になった増毛駅。


そして、印象的だった烏丸せつ子が働く増毛駅前の風待食堂は、多田商店という 食料品・雑貨店で、映画では改装して飲食店として画面に出てくる。現在は観光案内所になっている。

 赤字路線という理由で廃線にするのは日本の宿命か? 寂しい限りであるが銭函駅は健在だ。

A disappearing KEN " station "

On December 4, 2016 , the RUMOI - MASHIKE interval (16.7 kilos ) of the JR RUMOI line became the abolished line .
MASHIKE Station which became the actor who died in November, 2014 , the stage of movie KEN TKAKURA " station " (1981 ) starring .

It is a station as the turning point of the lives to have been projected by screen

And the KAZEMACHI restaurant in the MASHIKE station square where actress SETSUKO KARASUMA acts on is originally food , a general shop called the TADA store , but impressive one comes out to a screen by the movie as a restaurant . It becomes the tourist information center now .

I am lonely whether it is fate of Japan that make the abolished line for the reason called the money-losing route , but ZENIBAKO Station is in good health . 

神田プロレス旗揚げ試合  "Kanda professional wrestling"




By the activity of the local professional wrestler in the town of Kanda power!

"Kanda professional wrestling" rose in arms by sports Festival of Chiyoda-ku and played a game.

The wrestler appears from a curry shop and the ski shop which are in Kanda much.

"Kanda curry mask" "Kanda ski fairy" made the debut, and "god of thunder Yaguchi" of the active professional wrestler appeared, and, as for the villain, a fierce, comical raising an army game was performed.


安全保障関連法案に反対する集会  Meeting to object to a security related bill







 A meeting to object to " the security related bill " that the Abe Administration hurries establishment is held in front of the Diet .
 As for the participant , a student , a worker , old people are every people .
 The energy to gather in midsummer to be more than 35 degrees Celsius is immeasurable .  

 At the JR Shinjuku Station south exit , the signature activity of " the meeting of the youth who worked against security treaty bill " began after 7 on the afternoon of every Thursday .   

 Why is the Abe Administration going to let this bill that half of nations or more object to pass ?

 The Abe Administration takes many in election and thinks that you may do a selfish thing because you got trust .

 The constitutionalism democracy collapses if I overcome it by decision by majority forcibly .

 Each nation begins to have a question toward this situation ; of the anti- Abe Administration big ; will undulate .

軍艦島(端島)上陸   Gunkanjima


軍艦(ぐんかん)(じま)()(しま))上陸  2015.6.23




I boarded a Cruise ship of the Gunkanjima landing from the Nagasaki Port.

I called at a port of Takashima who had the Mitsubishi coal mining industry Takashima & Co., Ltd. coal mine on the way and observed the coal mine museum. Therefore I went ashore after I received explanation with a model of Gunkanjima.

Mitsubishi Hashima coal mine closed became the uninhabited island on April 20, the same year on January 15, 1974.

The general release seemed to begin in April, 2004 and was able to observe it freely till then.

 Because the appearance that Hashima surrounded the whole island at a quay after a coal mine was closed down in East-West approximately 160m, north and south approximately 480m, neighborhood approximately 1,200m, the island of the small bottom of the sea coal mine of 63,000 square meters in area, and was lined with high-rise reinforcing rod apartments resembled warship "Tosa", I came to be called Gunkanjima.

The Hashima coal mine was recommended to world's cultural heritage on January 29, 2014 and was registered on July 5, 2015.

However, the building group which natural collapse goes ahead through like a photograph for 41 years after it becomes the uninhabited island will be stored how.

我、青春の新宿ミラノ座」 閉館“Shinjuku Milano_za closing December 31, 2014 of I youth"V�h�~���m���Š�


 残念ではあるが、また一つ昭和の建物が姿を消していく。そして、歌舞伎町から映画館が一つも無くなってしまった。コマ劇場跡地に建設中のホテル&商業ビルには12スクリーンの映画館も出来るというが、暫くの間、歌舞伎町はネオンの少ない街になってしまった。 少し寂しさが漂うお正月だ…。

“Shinjuku Milano_za closing December 31, 2014 of I youth"

I took down a curtain for a history of 58, and " Shinjuku Milano_za” opened on December 1, 1956 closed at December 31, 2014. The Milan, Shinjuku building where I got close to since the days of the primary schoolchildren such as a movie theater, ice skating, roller skating, a bowling alley, a game arcade, a disco.

I go to school after enjoying ice skating, roller skating, a game arcade and early-morning bowling from 7:00 a.m. in a junior high school, the high school days.
I go to the disco in the college student days, and the movie viewing surpasses 1,000 of them in total of since the days of a primary schoolchild.

The big screen of the “Milano_za” is in particular different in force.
I watched last special first-run showing "INTERSTELLAR". And I appreciated the last show from December 20 with "love from Milano_za" , every day.

"Shinjuku Milano_za good-bye of me, the youth" that I pleased for half a century!

Is disappointed; a building of the Showa disappears again. And a movie theater has disappeared from KabukichoThere is the movie theater of 12 screen in the hotel & commercial building building in the KOMA Theater ruins;, in Kabukicho, it has been for a while in the town where there were few lights of the neon.

It is New Year holidays when there is some loneliness.���

第五福竜丸 被曝から60年 It is 60 from radiation exposure of the fifth Hukuryu-maru.
第五福竜丸 被曝から60


 あれから60年。現在でも核実験は行われ、アメリカのスリーマイル島 原子力発電所事故、旧ソ連のチェルノブイリ原子力発電所事故、また日本では3年前の東日本大震災の影響による福島原子力発電所事故により放射能の危険がさらされている。


 第五福竜丸漁労長 見崎吉男さんが、事故直後の19546月に東大病院の病床でつづった手記の書き出しは「人間はまた新しい世界のとびらを開けた。そして人間は、自分のほっするあらゆるものを征服しようとしている。・・・中略・・・地球がある限り、人間が存在する限り、人間のよくは続くだろう。そして涙を流すだろう。・・・」(手記より抜粋)



It is 60 from radiation exposure of the fifth Hukuryu-maru. 

The fifth tuna boat Hukuryu-maru which they operated outside the danger zone that the United States set by the H-bomb test that the United States went for in Bikini Atoll in Pacific Marshall Islands on March 1, 1954 was exposed to radiation, and all 23 crew became the acute radiation symptom (burn caused by the radiation). 

It is 60 from that.

Danger of the radioactivity is exposed in Japan by a Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident by the East Japan great earthquake disaster three years ago.

Why has the human being meddled with atomic energy? … .

The opening sentence of the note which Yoshio Misaki of the fifth Hukuryu-maru fishery head spelled in a sickbed of the University of Tokyo Hospital in June, 1954 just after the accident "the human being opened a new world door again". And the human being is going to conquer every one's thing to want.・・・Omission・・・The human desire will continue as far as a human being exists as far as there is the earth. And I will shed tears. * (extract it than a note) *

We learn radiation exposure of the fifth Hukuryu-maru, a Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident and must quit atomic energy.����������

学徒出陣~あれから70年~  Departure of students for the war front







On October 21, 1943 70 years ago, in Japan, temporary exemption from conscription of university students was solved now by war situation aggravation of the Pacific War.
And students changed the pen to the sword and went to the battlefield.

A send-off party of the taking the field of students was held in Outer Gardens of Meiji Shrine sports stadium (National Stadium).

When "it streamed down this historic fact in the generation when I made the studies half and thought the feelings of the friend who did not return to be it and was young and prayed for everlasting peace to a prayer monument," it was carved a seal, and volunteers of former student erected it in 1993 20 years ago.
If a year equal to the 70th year, former students are aged around 90 years, aging advances, but thinking to peace is eternity this year.


脱原発テント =福島を忘れるな= It does not need the nuclear power plant





The de-nuclear power generation tent was built to 2011.9.11 against the re-operation of correspondence of government over the casualty of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and nuclear power plants stopping of the whole country in front of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and 579 days passed on April 12.

Two years already pass from an accident and, other than a person of Fukushima who evacuated, almost forget it like the far-off event that is everybody. However, as for 160,000 people who were robbed of a hometown, as for the refugee, it is threatened the right to live that a constitution accepts by an accident.

This tent is built by people who please do it this way who "do not let Fukushima weather" who "do not forget Fukushima", and it is supported by many people praying for a breakaway from nuclear power generation of Japan.

There are many refugees of Fukushima going along this tent as a "light "second hometown, support of the heart" desired".

Meanwhile ... which caused “land demand for evacuation suit” as the national land illegality occupation by a tent in the nation?

<沖縄とパールハーバー> Okinawa and Pearl Harbor

学童疎開船 対馬丸

Day of the Okinawa memorial service

潜水艦ボーフィン号 Bowfin






On December 7, 1941, the former Japan forces performed a surprise attack of Pearl Harbor with the U.S. Pacific Fleet base of Hawaiian Oahu, and the Japan-U.S. Pacific War broke out.

There was the sad point of contact that happened during the Great War in this Okinawa and Pearl Harbor.

It was attacked and sunk by U.S.A. submarine "Bowfin" (avenger of Pearl Harbor) who "the Tsushima-maru" started building one week after Pearl Harbor attack, and was completed one year later who faced Nagasaki for evacuation of schoolchildren from Okinawa on August 22, 1944.

In Okinawa, I get on Tsushima circle, and Tsushima circle memorial is established by the people of the sacrificed bereaved and is run now. I appeal to us for a sorrowful cry by display & picture in then tragedy here.

In addition, Bowfin which sank Tsushima circle is handled Hero as "the ship which took an enemy of Pearl Harbor" and, in Pearl Harbor, is shown mooring.

In insanity called "the war", two ships came, and the tragedy happened!

"A victim" and "an assailant", the victim remember it, but the assailant forgets it.

And, by not only the war but also our daily life, this repetition is taking place.

I have you know Okinawa and Pearl Harbor towards most alone and pray not to repeat tragedy to raise of the war (fight).

<ドイツ・ベルリン~チェコ・プラハ> Germany Berlin & Czech Prague


プラハ ヴァーツラフ広場

チェクポイント チャーリー跡





 1989年11月のドイツ・ベルリンの壁が崩壊、そして11月16日~12月29日のチェコプラハのゼネストにより勝ち得たビロード革命。 ソ連の崩壊と共に始まった東欧社会主義国おける言論と思想の自由を求めた大きなうねり、市民革命は「あっ」と言う間に成し遂げられた。 その象徴ともおける、ドイツのベルリンを22年目にして、私は訪れた。一部を記念として残した以外は、今はすっかりと、その姿を消してしまっていたベルリン市内を当時の情景を浮かべながら場所を確かめるように歩いた。 


 20年後の1989年ベルリンの壁崩壊後の11月16日~12月29日の間に、同じヴァーツラフ広場に集まったプラハ市民は、無血の革命「ビロード革命」を成し遂げ、自由を勝ち取った。自殺したヤン・パラフ達の慰霊碑はヴァーツラフ広場の騎士像前に平和のシンボルとしてある。 今この広場は花に覆われた平和な広場として、多くの市民、観光客で賑わっている。



Germany Berlin Wall of November, 1989 is Velvet Revolution in Czech Prague in December after the collapse.

The big undulation, the people's revolution that demanded speech and the freedom of thought of the Eastern Europe socialism country which began with collapse of the Soviet Union were easily accomplished.

I did Berlin to be able to put it with the symbol, Germany in the 22nd year and came. Except that East-West Berlin Wall left a part as memory; now completely the; have disappeared. I walked the Berlin city to check a place while thinking of a then scene.
In Czech Prague, "the Prague Spring" which published speech and freedom of thought in February, 1968 was oppressed by the Warsaw treaty forces led by the former Soviet Union which was afraid of liberalization in August of the year.

And Karel university student Jan Palach of Prague did suicide by fire of the discussion in Václavské náměstí in January, 1969 while I was suppressed.

Over from November 16 to December after the 1989 Berlin Wall collapse 20 years later and. The Prague citizen who gathered in same Václavské náměstí accomplished revolution "Velvet Revolution" of no blood and gained freedom.

A symbol of the peace includes the memorial service monument of Jan Palach which committed suicide before a knight image of Václavské náměstí. This open space is full of many citizens, tourists now as a peaceful open space covered by a flower.

While I walked the place, and I could occur to one hand with a then state with the photograph of many youths who confronted the tank of the Warsaw treaty forces which oppressed "Prague Spring" of 1968, I chewed freedom and peace well some other time.

アウシュビッツ&ビルケナウ  Auschwitz & Birkenau








ポーランドのオシフィエンチム市で、70年前に起きたナチスSSによる残虐な行為は、人間の仕業とは思えない。どうしてここまで残虐な殺し方ができるのか、戦争を大義とした、ナチスによる民族血統主義の狂気の沙汰なのだろうか…。理解に苦しむ! 私はこの地で世界の平和を祈った。
アウシュビッツ  ビルケナウ

Auschwitz & Birkenau

I got an opportunity to go to the Polish Auschwitz asylum and visited the historic spot of "compulsion / an extinction asylum" made by Nazi Germany.

The part that Nazi Germany included Oswiecimiu City in Poland after invasion in this concentration camp in September, 1939 was added to the part of German Third Empire. Nazi changed the name of the city in "Auschwitz".  

It was established to take a Polish political offender in 1940 and was going to use it as a place of the Polish slaughter, but has begun to send a Jew of not only the Pole but also each mainly gradually European nationality and a Gypsy and a captive of the Soviet Union force to here. A prisoner had a Czech / Jugoslav / the French / an Austrian and the German, too.

This institution was a labor camp to let political offense prisoners work as work force at the start, but I sorted a sick person / an old man / a physically handicapped person / the insane who did not deserve to be work force and have begun to dispose.

I became the greatest Jewish extinction center fielder slowly from 1942. And Auschwitz became global  holovaust , genocide, a human body test site.

The double barbed-wire entanglements which drained a high-voltage current, an accommodation ridge every by countries, "a wall of the death" which shot the prisoner of thousands of people to death, the gibbet which performed group hanging, a bag of a large quantity of numerical prisoners, shoes, clothes, a life article, the exhibition of harvested hair are at a loss for words when I pass the gate of the asylum which is raised when used freely if I work".

And the incinerator that 350 bodies were cremated on gas chamber, 1st when I performed the bloodbath that is the symbol of the extinction asylum still stays.

In addition, the Birkenau asylum takes down a prisoner from a train in an institution for slaughter made on the land of about 175 hectares of Brzeinka village which was 3km away from here, and it is an institution said to that there were facilities and the human body test site which just send a gas chamber - incineration site.

A brick building in the front gate of the asylum and the railroad siding of the prisoners railroad which I carried stay now. It is destroyed, and, as for the wooden barrack at the time of a thing of prisoners, there is not already destruction by fire on the very large earth covered with snow. And the track of a long sword and a short sword connected in a chimney and the front gate of the innumerable brick fireplaces which I was not able to use unless I became -20 degrees Celsius provoked emptiness, and cold of -10 degrees Celsius soaked into my body.

I cannot think the atrocity by the Nazis SS which rose in Polish Oswiecimiu City 70 years ago to be the human act. Why will there be cruel how to kill to here?

Will it be the insane incident of the race blood principle by the Nazis which assumed war an important meaning?…. I find it very difficult to understand!

I prayed for world peace in this ground.

多磨全生病院ハンセン病療養所)を歩く!I walk TAMAZENSEI Hospital (a Hansen's disease sanatorium)

ハンセン病(らい病)患者が、療養していた、東京都東村山市にある多磨全生病院は、今から101年前の1909年にハンセン病 病院として開所し、ハンセン病患者の治療・療養施設として患者の一生が終わるまで、ここで治療する、完全隔離病院(施設)である。その為、この施設には礼拝堂や納骨堂まである。



I walk TAMAZENSEI Hospital (a Hansen's disease sanatorium)

TAMAZENSEI Hospital in Higashimurayama-shi, Tokyo did open now as Hansen's disease Hospital in 1909 101 years ago.

 This hospital is the complete pesthouse where a leper spends life as a medical treatment institution of the lepers. Therefore there is it to a chapel and the charnel in this institution.

It was discriminated against isolation, and the human rights were ignored, and the leper could not but be able to put life away by the wrong recognition of the Hansen's disease (RAI leprosy) by the country in this institution till "an RAI prophylactic" was abolished in 1996.

 Even if pro-brothers, the relations with the relative are quitted because it was complete pesthouse, and it comes to be appeared by law revision freely by an institution, the person that there is not a place to go to lives a life in a township (I build a door) in this institution.

  I was able to picture a then state in a head while confirming a base or the laying earth on the ground trace of the building where I slightly stayed while I heard recollection talk at the time of a thing of medical treatment Hirasawa who lived a life with the building trace of the then ward and township that had disappeared now after a photograph and the lecture of the figure of placement by the plan of the Hansen's disease museum beforehand here from a commentary of the curator and 14 years old those days in 1941.

R16 アメリカ通り  R16 according to U.S.A


国道16号線沿いの横田(基地)飛行場は1940年に帝国陸軍の航空機試験場として建設され、陸軍が使用していた。太平洋 戦争敗戦後は、アメリカに接収され、朝鮮戦争当時はB29爆撃機の出撃基地として、また、ベトナム戦争当時は補給拠点として活用された。

 R16 according to U.S.A. 

 Along National highway No. 16 along the Yokota base of American the fifth Air Force Base, a signboard and an article are row of houses along a city street letting you yearn for U.S.A. together in the shop where each is individual in the shopping district lining up.

  The width is narrow, and, as for national highway 16 line, it is said that a store / a restaurant along the highway was able to look around Yokota base from the roof of the building of the shop before.  At the time of Vietnam War in particular, it is said that a lot of departure and arrival of the plane strongly showed the state of the town of the base.

 The inside of the base that I open, and was partitioned off in an expensive wall cannot watch the road, but U.S.A. just what does not still change now.
 I entered the restaurant of the Thailand food, but the lobster fried rice resembled it very much and was delicious.

北海道夕張市 財政再建団体から財政再生団体へ
September 15, 2009
  From the body of financial reconstruction to the financial reproduction groupYubari-city, Hokkaido

夕張国際ファンタスティック映画祭」を毎年開催していたが,2005年で一旦途切れ,20072月の復活後,規模は縮小されたが,市民及び市外からのボランティアの協力を得て開催されている。そして,映画の街をかもし出す,大きな映画看板が,街並みのあちこちに掲げられていた。 街を歩くにつれて,既に住んでいない家屋や廃業した商店・旅館があちこちに,そして崩れかかった家もあり,街が崩壊するような予感も感じられた。



From the body of financial reconstruction to the financial reproduction groupYubari-city, Hokkaido)

Yubari-city, Hokkaido appealed to you for the existence as the town of the movie and a town of the melons from the town of the coal mine. I visited this city after an interval of 20 several years. The town was quiet, and there was little pedestrian traffic, and there was already never the feature of a coal mine / the town of the coal which did well. In Yubari-city, the institutions such as an amusement park or the robot building which I made from the town of the coal mine at the time of the promotion of the tourist industry to plan a breakaway are demolished for financial reconstruction, and only a wide site stays. I do not understand what there was there now.  

In addition, I held "Yubari international Fanta stick movie festival" every year, but I break off once by 2005, and I get the cooperation of a citizen and the volunteer from the suburbs, and it is held after revival of February, 2007. And the big movie signboard which brought on the town of the movie was raised in many places of the row of houses along a city street.

It is "coal mine life building" reproducing "coal Museum" and then life that leave the proof that Yubari-city was the town of the coal mine alone. In the coal Museum, I reproduced the state of the coal mine pit, and there was "the pitch-black experience corner" that I put on a helmet with the light and could observe. The entrance fell down by a coal mine elevator and could really confirm the coal layer in the coal mining spot, and, in the last exit, it was it at the real pit exit. And there is the coal layer appearing on the surface of the earth, and the immediate neighbor of the exit can confirm that there is coal still more with eyes.

The town of Yubari coal mine swallowed in the wave of the times called the energy reshuffling to the fossil fuel fell off the failure of the tourist industry that aimed at the breakaway from the town of the coal mine into the deficit group from coal.

Yubari-city wrestled with financial reconstruction to break off an enormous deficit as the body of financial reconstruction of the country, but was big, and the substance deficit ratio of the settlement of accounts exceeded 20% of the reproduction standard of the country in 2008, and it was it to 703.6%, and was enforced in April, 2009; it was it with the first application of "the law local public entity finance fitness", and it has been it in the financial reproduction group from the body of financial reconstruction.

How becoming Yubari-city from now on or ... In such thought, I visited "A yellow handkerchief of the happiness" and the film location spot of "North 0 years" and prayed for reproduction of Yubari.
新宿十二社天然温泉 閉店  Shinjyuku Jyuniso nature hot spring March 29, 2009 closing a shop(TOKYO)



Shinjyuku Jyuniso nature hot spring March 29, 2009 closing a shop

When the Jyuniso hot spring which was next to "the Jyuniso pond" where there were a red light district and a restaurant ever puts a towel in the west of Shinjuku, Tokyo Chuuo Park with the black hot water which seems to be soy sauce, I am dyed.

It was the health center which a dance and the entertainment appreciation of the song were able to enjoy while eating and drinking in a variety theater of the second floor after having entered the hot spring in 1960's of the time when I was small.

The willow formed a line in the circumference of the hot spring institution, and an atmosphere of the hot spring street with the emotion drifted in the scene that the sound of the samisen to hear from a restaurant nearby and the light of the garden lantern around the pond looked it to the surface of the water.

However, it was pushed in the wave of the times, and the hot spring institution moved to basement the first floor of the 12 stories apartment from the health center in without Jyuniso Pond and 1979, too.

Not only the hot spring but also a banquet and the meal were done and, as an urban oasis to be able to enjoy willingly, carried the role, but closed it by March 29, 2009.
 In addition, 1, the history of the imminent Showa era disappear.

新宿コマ劇場閉館     December 31, 2008 Shinjuku kom theater closingShinjuku, Tokyo


子供の頃から歌舞伎町に行っていた私にとって象徴的な存在のコマ劇場、そして地下のコマ東宝・シアターアプルも無くなった。また隣の新宿プラザは117日で39年の幕を下ろし、最後に観たサウンド オブ ミュージック、大画面の映画はもう観られない。


December 31, 2008 Shinjuku kom theater closingShinjuku, Tokyo

The Shinjuku Koma Theater was open since commencement of practice for 52 years on December 28, 1956, but closed it by December 31, 2008.

I appreciated "Takarazuka of love and the youth" performed publicly of a family and the last and incised it on page 1 of my memory.

The Koma theater was symbolic existence of Kabukicho from childhood, but deletes the figure for me. And I became it without underground Movie Theater Koma Toho, Theatre Apple.

The Shinjuku plaza next to the Koma Theater took down a curtain of 39 years by November 7, 2008.

Finally a magnificent picture, the anymore big-screen movie of the sound of music which I watched are not watched.

One building of the Showa era is two and disappearing ...

上野駅前 聚楽台 閉店 "JYURAKUDAI "= Ueno nostalgic dining room closing a shop =  

「聚楽台」=上野レトロ食堂 閉店=





"JYURAKUDAI "= Ueno nostalgic dining room closing a shop =

The restaurant of the JR Ueno station square of Tokyo "JYURAKUDAI" "closed a curtain in the history once of 50 years by April 21, 2008".

The building (Saigo Hall) with this restaurant was completed in the third floor / the first floor above the ground under the ground in 1951.

With a thing built in the Takamori Saigou bronze statue bottom of Ueno-koen Park as the place where unpremised businessperson of Uenohirokoji that became the burnt field after World War II began a shop newly the first floor at a shopping district on the second floor part a restaurant "JYURAKUDAI" "opened it in 1959".

It was group finding employment and the first doorway of the person who came from Tohoku / Hokkaido, and it was a meal place.

In addition, the menu of Western food / the Chinese food was the noted product restaurant of the Ueno station square that there was places to eat of the people who got on a night travel train for a business trip and a trip Japanese food since I drank a meal and one cup of liquor here.

When I traveled in the days of a student in Tohoku / Hokkaido, I got on a night travel train since I ate here.

In addition, I ate at this restaurant when I went to the museum of Ueno with a daughter.

I want you to have interior decoration of the wind and the popular menu of "Saigo bowl" in the days of Azuchimomoyama even if rebuilt newly.


朝鮮半島 軍事境界線  板門店
Joint Security Area   Demilitarized zone


3年に及ぶ一進一退後、1953年7月27日、北緯38度線を境に休戦・停戦し、朝鮮半島は南北、大韓民国と朝鮮民主主義人民共和国に分割された。 この軍事境界線を境に、南北それぞれに2km幅、合計4km幅がDMZ(非武装中立地帯)であり、南北が実務協議を行う場所として軍事境界線の上に建物が建っており、ここが板門店、この一帯がJSA(共同警備区域)である。




After August 15, 1945 when Japan surrendered to the Allied Forces in World War II, Korea race aimed at the independence, but it depended between the Soviet Union, China, the expectations of large countries such as U.S.A. and communism, liberalism, and Korean War  broke out on June 25, 1950.

The war stopped fighting after the north latitude 38th parallel on fluctuate back, July 27, 1953 to extend in 3. And the Korean Peninsura was divided by the north and south, the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. After this military boundary, 2km width, 4km width in total are DMZDemilitarized zone) in north and south each.

A building is built on a military boundary as the place where the north and south perform business discussion, and here is Panmunjeom. And this whole area is JSA (Joint Security Area).

I visited this ground as a guest of the United Nations from Korea Seoul on December 6, 2007. In the place that became the stage of Korea movie "JSA", there are the heavy guard and a lot of surveillance cameras in a brutal atmosphere.

Because I was made to write a written oath (even if I am in danger for life, self-responsibility) before entering here, strain rises.  "The bridge which I did not come back" through which changed the captive of the "Imujin River" both sides who drifted to the border, the scene of at hand were right the tragedy itself of Korea race tossed about in a large country / an ideology.

LOVE&PEACE  ダルフールに平和を! “戦争をする代わりにベッドで過ごそう”(渋谷区代々木公園)
Instead of "fighting, I will spend it with Bet"

 「ダルフールに平和を」 Get in Bed for Darfur

 国際人権デー1210日を目前に、アムネスティ・インターナショナル日本が企画したLove & Peaseのベッドイン。




Instead of "fighting, I will spend it with Bet"

I have international Human Rights Day of December 10 close at hand and enter Bet of Love & Pease which Amnesty International Japan planned.

As for this plan, John Lennon and Ono Yoko of the Beatles objected to Vietnam War in Amsterdam of the newly-married destination in 1969 and performed a press conference about the peace among Bet and entered Bet for one week.

It is a peace event to end this non-drama while it learns it from this, and African Sudan, a Darfur dispute still continue.

In Bet in performed in Yoyogi-Park, I met the appeal of the sponsor, and many people advocated entering peace to Bet led by different youths of the nationality.

JAL123 御巣鷹の尾根に慰霊の登山
JAL123 It is mountain climbing 2,007.8.12 of remembering it in OSUTAKA










 このような思いの中、22年目にして初めて慰霊の為、御巣鷹の尾根に登った。 http://sunakfilm2018.g2.xrea.com/jal123.html

It is mountain climbing 2,007.8.12 of remembering it in OSUTAKA

On August 12, 1985 22 years ago, as for Japan Airlines JAL123 service (Haneda - Osaka line), the vertical tail of the body was blown off by Sagami gulf air space.The captain and the strenuous effort of the crew did not extend and fell in the ridge of OSUTAKA at 18:56.

As for the survivor of this accident, four people, the victim were equal to 520 people.

This accident(Is it a case?) When I am similar and arrive, there are any questions about the then situation and an accident cause now. And, over the truth, there are various opinions.

Why is it that I did not know a crash place if it does not pass more than ten hours after an airplane crashed?

Why is it that a return order was given to the United States Armed Forces helicopter that an airplane arrived at the spot after a crash immediately?

How about the relations with the target practice of the Japanese Self-Defense Force airplane performed in the Sagami gulf sky?

Why is it that the content of a flight recorder collected by a body reached the TV station?

 I climbed the ridge of OSUTAKA only after I did it in the 22nd year while having some doubt for remembering it.

氷川丸&横浜マリンタワー、営業終了(横浜)Luxurious passenger liner "Hikawamaru" and Yokohama Marine Tower finished business. (Yokohama) 




Hikawamaru went into service in 1930 and I assumed it a luxurious passenger liner in an air route on the Pacific for American Seattle and played an active part. However, the whole Pacific Wars was commandeered as the hospital ship which transported sick and wounded soldiers by the armed forces and went into service as a passenger ship as a carrier of a repatriate from Mainland China again after the war until activity, further 1960 years

However, the whole Pacific Wars was commandeered as "the hospital ship" which transported sick and wounded soldiers by the armed forces and went into service as a passenger ship as a carrier of a repatriate from Mainland China again after the war during until activity, further 1960 years.

And I finished the duty, and "the Hikawamaru" that was got close to to the nation as an interval of 45 years, a symbol of Yokohama Port since it was moored at Yokohama Port in 1961 stopped business of a visit in a ship. And Yokohama Marine Tower which the same company ran stopped business on the same day.  

I worried whether Hikawamaru and Marine Tower disappear, but I am redecorated and I renew it two or three years later and am going to open. I, peace of mind!

焼き鳥の「いせや総本舗」改築閉店 2006.9.25(東京都 吉祥寺)
Barbecued chicken "ISEYA home office" reconstruction closing a shop. 2006.9.25(Tokyo Kichijoji)


The barbecued chicken "Iseya home office" of Musashino-shi, Tokyo Kichijoji opens as a butcher shop in 1928 and does business in a current building from 1953.

The first floor of a counter in the outside stand, and there is counter & a table / several sets chair in eating and a shop, and, in the second floor, it is it in a room, and a banquet of big things and small things is possible. It seems to have been "the appetite which I did not wind up" of a butcher shop, and it came to sell the barbecued chicken of skewering for a demand of a visitor originally.

The line that was long on that day was ready to eat the last barbecued chicken in this shop (a building) where the common people could drop in at willingly. The building where smoke to grind of a good smell of a barbecued chicken matched for the Belle Epoque when Kichijoji wrapping this shop in is old is demolished, and it seems to be it in 14 story of buildings. But I seem to finish 1.2 floors in the appearance leaving a current feature for.

However, I may suffer again for dozens of years till smoke and the oil which baked a barbecued chicken stay in a shop, and taste of a shop appears. In addition, 1, an old building have disappeared.


I went to Yasukuni shrine after a long absence. When August 15 approaches every year, right or wrong of worship of the prime minister is asked Yasukuni shrine and becomes a topic. I had gone and worshiped many times, but arrested me only for a simple Shinto shrine and a natural beauty spot of a cherry tree, the memorial where wills of a dead soldier were exhibited in a special attack unit and an image to say.

Yasukuni shrine of the range that I knew as knowledge was built after Russo-Japanese War of the Meiji era as a Shinto shrine dedicated to an officer killed in action, and, after erection, the army managed it in how many years. A dead soldier is dedicated to by the later war by Yasukuni shrine, too, and a war criminal of World War II is dedicated to by this Shinto shrine, too.

And it is what he understood recently, but the Emperor Showa is not informed of enshrining together of this war criminal. Thereafter the Emperor Showa who knew this did not go and worship. The Emperor thought it to be a person in the first of Shinto, but does not seem to have been so. With consciousness, I went and worshiped some other time in Yasukuni shrine and observed a military museum (YUSYUKAN).

The person that it seemed with a former soldier raised the Japanese flag and stood with posture standing at rigid attention and, in front of a memorial service monument of a suicide attack soldier in the way who went to a military museum, remembered a dead fellow soldier. A heart to yearn for a fight, a late friend by war for a country is to be splendid.

Whatever reason there may be war is conflict of both justice and justice. Not 1 to 1 simple quarrel, politics and religion affect it by all means.It is monkeyed around by advertising named "a just cause" and education, and it is forced again and thinks that late people are victims of a war criminal in a battlefield.

But it may be the essence of this Shinto shrine that there is not despite "a victim" with a soldier killed in action at the battle front.

Because it was the Shinto shrine which the armed forces built, and it was the range that I observed today, but words of the meaning "that war must never wake up" were seen, and it was it in those days here. A late person is not only a soldier by war. A lot of general private citizens died, too. Japan lost two A-bombs thinks that there is the present peace on this holy sacrifice.

Because "a soldier followed a fight, a country" as for the present peace, hold it, and there is not appearing.

A few thing shared Yasukuni shrine well generally in a Shinto shrine of (religion).

戦艦大和と原爆ドーム Battleship Yamato and the Atom Bomb Dome(HIROSHIMA)

I observed "Yamato museum" in Kure-shi of Hiroshima and an open-air set of Yamato of movie Onomichi-shi and visited a peace park of Hiroshima-shi that received suffering of an atom bomb first in the world.
When a one-tenth battleship Yamato makes a model was useful very much. In addition, the open-air set of battleship Yamato of size of the original excited me of a movie enthusiast.
And it was expected that I knew stupidity and degree of fear of war with Atom-Bomb Dome of Hiroshima-shi and peaceful document building some other time.
The complexity that there is the town which suffered damage for a museum and war of the battleship which is a tool of war in the same prefecture.
I told the history of dock Kure-shi of the ship which never praised war in Yamato museum, but the charm of battleship Yamato was immeasurable.
And, as for the tragedy that got up in this ground on 1945 August 6 before 60, what was permitted so that there was a reason how realized the thing that then there was not in the Atom-Bomb Dome.

 沢山の想い出を残すため、8mm映画を制作するため、今日が初日のクランクイン。閉館までの半年間で何回も通って、この目にも焼き付けたい。交通博物館 TRANSPORTATION MUSEUM JAPAN

I was with in a childhood by father and went to this railroad Museum many times.
This museum which Japanese National Railways administered was opened in 1921, but unfortunately closes it by May 7, 2006.
I went to railroad Museum to record a lot of memories for 8mm movie.
And I go many times between a half year to closing and can want to be branded on these eyes.


Naoko Takahashi stalled in the uphill slope which began in this meeting in 2003 when I submitted Athens Olympics participation to from 35 kilos neighborhood and has missed a seat of an Olympic Games representative.
However, from darkness watch it, and a thing wins the championship at a meeting of this year, and to have a long || escaped!


Naoko Takahashi is an interview after a race || "1st is filled up all day long by having a dream even if begin darkness. All of you want you to feel it." These words consider to have impressed many people with courage including me.

I watched a game of marathon since the Tokyo Olympics of 1964 in a route and got power from her.
OK! It is a re-start from now on! It is ... only there being it progress.


2005.10.9  新潟県中越発

200410231756に起きた、M6.8の新潟県中越地震( 2004/10/23 新潟県中越地震)による災害は、1年たった今でも通行止め区間が沢山あった。

Departure from 2005.10.9 Niigata Tyuetsu

As for the disaster by Niigata Tyuetsu Earthquake of M6.8 which rose at 17:56 on October 23, 2004 (2004/10/23 Niigata Tyuetsu Earthquake), there was just a lot of closed sections for one year. If there is not a permit, I cannot pass big Yamakoshi village of the damage in particular. And, in a temporary house for victims built in Ojiya city, there were a lot of people who still lived.
Most news did not have Niigata Tyuetsu Earthquake, but complete restoration seems to take time still more.
